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UMR Silva comprises about 110 permanent staff (see list of staff) and welcomes students (Undergraduates, Masters and PhDs), post-docs, and non-permanent staffs. It is located on three sites, Nancy (AgroParisTech), Champenoux (INRAE), and Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (UL).

The aim of the UMR Silva is to develop pure and applied research works in order to answer society questions, in particular those of forest managers, on the adaptation of forest ecosystems to global changes and of changes in social expectations of forest products and services, including their contribution to climate change mitigation.

UMR Silva is strongly committed to initial training, through people from AgroParisTech and Université de Lorraine who compose it, and more generally in training through research; in this context, UMR Silva offers a diversified range of initial and advanced courses of higher level in the fields of wood, forest and ecology

Research objectives are studied within 4 research teams which are complementary in the different approaches and scales that are implemented:

  • The PHARE "Physiology of trees in response to environment" team.
  • The ForeSTree "Forest, Stand, Tree" team.
  • The EcoSilva "Long term dynamics and vulnerability of ecosystems under low anthropisation" team.
  • The Sylviculture team.

These research teams are supported by an analytical platform « Silvatech », a GIS-DataBase technical platform, and an « Administrative Management » team.

UMR Silva is part of the « Laboratoires d’Excellence » « Labex-ARBRE » and « Labex-CEBA », of « Lorraine Université d’Excellence », and of the “AgreenSkills mobility program“.

In this section

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UMR Silva is developing a multidisciplinary and integrative research project on the ecology of forests (wood, tree, ecosystem), in the context of global changes. Our main objectives are to produce pure and finalized knowledge and tools that allow (i) to analyze and integrate the processes that allow to characterize and understand the diversity of tree response to their environment and that underpin ecosystem services, (ii) to promote the adaptation (and restoration) capacities of ecosystems, (iii) and to optimize sustainable wood production in forest ecosystems.

Modification date: 15 May 2024 | Publication date: 17 June 2022 | By: Corinne Martin