bandeau équipe Forestree


ForeSTree studies the temporal dynamics of tree functioning in tropical and temperate forest and agroforestry ecosystems in a changing environment. The general objective is to improve our knowledge of the functioning of trees and the dynamics of populations in interaction with environmental factors such as climate and species interactions, (i) to better understand the response of forests to climate changes and (ii) to adapt the management of forest ecosystems to issues linked to climate change (adaptation, mitigation).

Using approaches in ecophysiology, bioclimatology, biochemistry, community ecology and modeling, the team's ambition is to provide responses to three major challenges that forests and agro-forests will face in the future: (1) adaptability of trees to environmental factors, (2) adaptation of forest management to respond to new climatic constraints, and (3) mitigation of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.

To respond to these challenges, the members of the team rely on the analysis of energy, fluxes of trace gases (CO2, H2O, CH4, N2O) and budgets (water, carbon, nitrogen) in forest and agro-forest ecosystems at scales varying from the organ to the ecosystem to the continental scale as well as from minutes to inter-annual resolution.

See also

Modification date: 21 May 2024 | Publication date: 25 April 2023 | By: Corinne MARTIN