GEGOUT Jean-Claude

GEGOUT Jean-Claude

Selected publications

-Kuhn, E., Gégout J.C.. 2019. Highlighting declines of cold‐demanding plant species in lowlands under climate warming. Ecography, 42 (1): 36-44.
-Bertrand R., Riofrio-Dillon G., Lenoir J., Drapier J., de Ruffray P., Gégout J.C., Loreau M. (2016). Ecological constraints increase the climatic debt in forests. Nature communications, 7:12643 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12643 (2016).
-Pinto P.E., Dupouey J.L., Hervé, J.-C, Legay M., Wurpillot S., Montpied P., Gégout J.C. (2016). Optimizing the bioindication of forest soil acidity, nitrogen and mineral nutrition using plant species. Ecological indicators, 71 : 359-367.
-Rizzetto S., Belyazid S., Gégout J.C., Nicolas M., Alard D., Corcket E., Gaudio N., Sverdrup H., Probst A. (2016) Modelling the impact of climate change and atmospheric N deposition on French forests biodiversity. Environmental Pollution, 213 : 1016-1027.
-Bertrand R., Lenoir J., Piedallu C., de Ruffray P., Vidal C., Riofrio G., Pierrat J.C., Gégout J.C. (2011). Changes in plant community composition lags behind climate warming in lowland forests. Nature. 479 : 517-520.
-Lenoir J., Gégout J.C., Marquet P.A., de Ruffray P., Brisse H., (2008). A Significant Upward Shift in Plant Species Optimum Elevation During the 20th Century. Science, 320, 1768-1771.

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