Publications since 1997

Published articles

  • Vennetier M, Ripert C, Rathgeber CBK. 2018 — Autecology and growth of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.): A comprehensive study in France. Forest Ecology and Management 413, 32–47.
  • Girardclos O, Dufraisse A, Dupouey J-L, Coubray S, Ruelle J, Rathgeber CBK. 2018 — Improving identification of coppiced and seeded trees in past woodland management by comparing growth and wood anatomy of living sessile oaks (Quercus petraea). Quaternary International 463: 219–231.
  • Rathgeber CBK. 2017 — Conifer tree-ring density inter-annual variability — anatomical, physiological and environmental determinants. New Phytologist 216: 621–625.
  • Kulmala L, Read J, Nöjd P, Rathgeber CBK, Cuny H, Hollmén J, Mäkinen H. 2017 — Identifying the main drivers for the production and maturation of Scots pine tracheids along a temperature gradient. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232: 210–224.
  • Hartmann FP, Rathgeber CBK, Fournier M, Moulia B. 2017 — Modelling wood formation and structure: power and limits of a morphogenetic gradient in controlling xylem cell proliferation and growth. Annals of Forest Science 74: 34.
  • Balducci L, Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK, Deslauriers A, Giovannelli A, Rossi S. 2016 — Compensatory mechanisms mitigate the effect of warming and drought on wood formation. Plant, Cell & Environment 39: 1338–1352.
  • Novak K, de Luis M, Saz MA, Longares LA, Serrano-Notivoli R, Raventós J, Čufar K, Gričar J, Di Filippo A, Piovesan G, Rathgeber CBK, Papadopoulos A, Smith KT. 2016 — Missing Rings in Pinus halepensis - The Missing Link to Relate the Tree-Ring Record to Extreme Climatic Events. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 660–11.
  • Rossi S, Anfodillo T, Čufar K, Cuny H, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Frank D, Gričar J, Gruber A, Huang JG, Jyske T, Kašpar J, King G, Krause C, Liang E, Mäkinen H, Morin H, Nöjd P, Oberhuber W, Prislan P, Rathgeber CBK, Saracino A, Swidrak I, Treml V. 2016 — Pattern of xylem phenology in conifers of cold ecosystems at the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology, 22: 3804–3813.
  • Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK. 2016 — Xylogenesis: Coniferous Trees of Temperate Forests Are Listening to the Climate Tale during the Growing Season But Only Remember the Last Words! Plant physiology 171: 306–317.
  • Güney A, Küppers M, Rathgeber CBK, Şahin M, Zimmermann R. 2016 — Intra-annual stem growth dynamics of Lebanon Cedar along climatic gradients. Trees 31: 587–606.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Cuny H, Fonti P. 2016 — Biological basis of tree-ring formation: a crash course. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 734: 1–7.
  • Cuny HE., Rathgeber CBK, Frank D, Fonti P, Mäkinen H, Prislan P, Rossi S, del Castillo EM, Campelo F, Vavrčík H, Camarero JJ, Bryukhanova MV, Jyske T, Gričar J, Gryc V, De Luis M, Vieira J, Čufar K, Kirdyanov AV, Oberhuber W, Treml V, Huang JG, Li X, Swidrak I, Deslauriers A, Liang E, Nöjd P, Gruber A, Nabais C, Morin H, Krause C, King G, Fournier M. 2015 — Woody biomass production lags stem-girth increase by over one month in coniferous forests. Nature Plants 1, 11, 15160: 1-6.
  • Olivar J, Rathgeber CBK, Bravo F. 2015 — Climate change, tree-ring width and wood density of pines in mediterranean environments. IAWA Journal 36, 3: 257-269.
  • Delpierre N, Vitasse Y, Chuine I, Guillemot J, Bazot S, Rutishauser T, Rathgeber CBK. 2015 — Temperate and boreal forest tree phenology: from organ-scale processes to terrestrial ecosystem models. Annals of Forest Science 73: 5–25.
  • Balducci L, Deslauriers A, Giovannelli A, Beaulieu M, Delzon S, Rossi S, Rathgeber CBK. 2015 — How do drought and warming influence survival and wood traits of Picea mariana saplings? Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 377–389.
  • Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK, Frank D, Fonti P, Fournier M. 2014 — Kinetics of tracheid development explain conifer tree-ring structure. New Phytologist 203: 1231–1241.
  • Olivar J, Bogino S, Rathgeber CBK, Bonnesoeur V, Bravo F. 2014 — Thinning has a positive effect on growth dynamics and growth–climate relationships in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees of different crown classes. Annals of Forest Science 71: 395–404.
  • Rossi S, Anfodillo T, Čufar K, Cuny H, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Frank D, Gričar J, Gruber A, King G, Krause C, Morin H, Oberhuber W, Prislan P, Rathgeber CBK. 2013 — A meta-analysis of cambium phenology and growth: linear and non-linear patterns in conifers of the northern hemisphere. Annals of Botany 112: 1911-1920.
  • Balducci L, Deslauriers A, Giovannelli A, Rossi S, Rathgeber CBK. 2013 — Effects of temperature and water deficit on cambial activity and woody ring features in Picea mariana saplings. Tree physiology 33: 1006–1017.
  • Saderi SM, Pourtahmasi K, Oladi R, Rathgeber CBK. 2013 — Wood formation in Juniperus excelsa ssp. polucarpos in the high mountains of north-east Iran. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 25: 421–428.
  • Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK, Kiessé TS, Hartmann FP, Barbeito I, Fournier M. 2013 — Generalized additive models reveal the intrinsic complexity of wood formation dynamics. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 1983–1994.
  • de Luis M, Čufar K, Di Filippo A, Novak K, Papadopoulos A, Piovesan G, Rathgeber CBK, Raventós J, Saz MA, Smith KT. 2013 — Plasticity in dendroclimatic response across the distribution range of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). PLoS ONE 8: 1–13.
  • Michelot A, Simard S, Rathgeber CBK, Dufrêne E, Damesin C. 2012 — Comparing the intra-annual wood formation of three European species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris) as related to leaf phenology and non-structural carbohydrate dynamics. Tree physiology 32: 1033–1045.
  • Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK, Lebourgeois F, Fortin M, Fournier M. 2012 — Life strategies in intra-annual dynamics of wood formation: example of three conifer species in a temperate forest in north-east France. Tree physiology 32: 612–625.
  • Griçar J, Rathgeber CBK, Fonti P. 2011 — Monitoring seasonal dynamics of wood formation. Dendrochronologia 29: 123–125.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Longuetaud F, Mothe F, Cuny H, Le Moguédec G. 2011 — Phenology of wood formation: Data processing, analysis and visualisation using R (package CAVIAR). Dendrochronologia 29: 139–149.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Rossi S, Bontemps J-D. 2011 — Cambial activity related to tree size in a mature silver-fir plantation. Annals of Botany 108: 429–438.
  • Lebourgeois F, Rathgeber CBK, Ulrich E. 2010 — Sensitivity of French temperate coniferous forests to climate variability and extreme events (Abies alba, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris). Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 364–376.
  • Rossi S, Rathgeber CBK, Deslauriers A. 2009 — Comparing needle and shoot phenology with xylem development on three conifer species in Italy. Annals of Forest Science 66: 206–206.
  • Rossi S, Simard S, Rathgeber CBK, Deslauriers A, Zan C. 2009 — Effects of a 20-day-long dry period on cambial and apical meristem growth in Abies balsamea seedlings. Trees 23: 85–93.
  • Rossi S, Deslauriers A, Griçar J, Seo J-W, Rathgeber CBK, Anfodillo T, Morin H, Levanic T, Oven P, Jalkanen R. 2008 — Critical temperatures for xylogenesis in conifers of cold climates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17: 696–707.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Decoux V, Leban J-M. 2006 — Linking intra-tree-ring wood density variations and tracheid anatomical characteristics in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Annals of Forest Science 63: 699–706.
  • Guiot J, Nicault A, Rathgeber CBK, Édouard JL, Guibal F, Pichard G, Till C. 2005 — Last-millennium summer-temperature variations in western Europe based on proxy data. The Holocene 15: 489–500.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Misson L, Nicault A, Guiot JL. 2005 — Bioclimatic model of tree radial growth: application to the French Mediterranean Aleppo pine forests. Trees 19: 162–176.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Nicault A, Guiot J. 2005 — Évolution de la croissance radiale du pin d'Alep (Pinus halepensis Mill.) en Provence calcaire (sud-est de la France). Ecologia mediterranea 31: 75–82.
  • Misson L, Rathgeber CBK, Guiot J. 2004 — Dendroecological analysis of climatic effects on Quercus petraea and Pinus halepensisradial growth using the process-based MAIDEN model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 888–898.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Blanc L, Ripert C, Vennetier M. 2004 — Modélisation de la croissance en hauteur du pin d'Alep (Pinus halepensis Mill.) en région méditerranéenne française. Ecologia mediterranea 30: 205–218.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Roche P. 2003 — Spatio-temporal growth dynamics of a subAlpine Pinus uncinata stand in the French Alps. Comptes rendus biologies 326: 305–315.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Nicault A, Kaplan JO, Guiot J. 2003 — Using a biogeochemistry model in simulating forests productivity responses to climatic change and CO2 increase: example of Pinus halepensis in Provence (south-east France). Ecological modelling 166: 239–255.
  • Nicault A, Rathgeber CBK, Tessier L, Thomas A. 2001 — Observations sur la mise en place du cerne chez le pin d'Alep ( Pinus halepensisMill.) : confrontation entre les mesures de croissance radiale, de densité et les facteurs climatiques. Annals of Forest Science 58: 769–784.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Guiot J, Édouard J-L. 2000 — Utilisation d’un modèle biogéochimique en dendroécologie. Application au pin Cembro. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie 323: 489–497.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Nicault A, Guiot J, Keller T, Guibal F, Roche P. 2000 — Simulated responses of Pinus halepensis forest productivity to climatic change and CO2 increase using a statistical model. Global and Planetary Change 26: 405–421.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Guiot J, Roche P, Tessier L. 1999 — Augmentation de productivité du chêne pubescent en région méditerranéenne française. Annals of Forest Science 56: 211–219.
  • Rathgeber C, Bayle P. 1997 — Régime alimentaire du Grand-duc d’Europe Bubo bubo, en période de reproduction, dans la région de Menton (Alpes-Maritimes, France). Alauda 65: 351-356.

Popular science articles

  • Cuny H, Rathgeber CBK. 2014 — Une synthèse sur le fonctionnement et la régulation des processus cellulaires de la formation du bois. Revue Forestière Française, LXVI: 761–777.
  • Lebourgeois F, Rathgeber CBK, Ulrich E. 2010 — Effet de la variabilité climatique et des événements extrêmes sur la croissance d’Abies alba, Picea abies et Pinus sylvestris en climat tempéré français. Revue Forestière Française, LXII: 1–18.
  • Vennetier M, Ripert C, Brochiéro F, Rathgeber CBK, Chandioux O, Estève R. 2010 — Evaluation de la productivité du Pin d'Alep en région méditerranéenne française. Revue forestière française LXII: 503–524.

Technical articles

  • Rathgeber CBK. 2018. Package ‘CAVIAR’ manual. Collection of functions for processing, visualising and
analysing cambial activity and wood formation monitoring data. 29 p.
  • Harroué M, Cornu E, Rathgeber CBK. 2011. Méthode de prélèvement et de préparation des échantillons pour l“étude de l”activité cambiale et de la formation du bois. Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA 73: 15–62.

Book chapters

  • Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Rossi S, Rathgeber CBK, Gricar J. 2017. Ecophysiology and plasticity of wood and phloem formation. In: Dendroecology, Amoroso MM et al. (eds.), Ecological Studies 231, Springer International Publishing AG.


  • Rathgeber CBK, Saderi M, Cuny H. How cell differentiation kinetics drive tree-ring structure plasticity over changing climate and site conditions. Plasticity in plant vascular systems: roles, limits and consequences. Multiscale plant vascular biology, Gordon Research Conference, 17–22 June 2018, Mount Snow, Vermont, USA.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Saderi M, Cuny H. Deciphering wood formation mechanisms in larch trees along a 1,000 m elevation gradient to better understand tree adaptation and forest response to climate change. Wood Formation and Tree Adaptation to Climate. 23–25 Mai 2018, Orléans, France.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Cuny H, Balducci L. Xylem cell differentiation kinetics: Coniferous trees are patiently listening to the climate tale during the whole growing season… But only remember the very last few words! Shaping future forests — Understanding tree responses to extreme climate events. Final STReESS meeting, 13-14 April 2016, Joachimsthal, Berlin, Germany.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Fonti P, & GloboXylo Consortium. Ecological trends in wood formation dynamics of coniferous forest. Shaping future forests — Understanding tree responses to extreme climate events. Final STReESS meeting, 13-14 April 2016, Joachimsthal, Berlin, Germany
  • Hartmann F, Rathgeber CBK, Fournier M, Moulia B. Control of the kinematics of wood formation by a morphogenetic gradient. 8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, 30 Novembre - 12 décembre 2015, Nagoya, Japon.
  • Rathgeber CBK, Cuny HE, Frank D, Fonti P, Fournier M, Alméras T. Growing is not puting on weight! New insights in intra-annual dynamics of carbon sequestration into the stem of conifer trees. Eurodendro 2014, 8-12 Septembre 2014, Lugo, Spain.
  • Rathgeber CBK, & Cuny H. Cell differentiation times explain tracheid feature and wood density variations in conifer tree rings. Wood Structure in Plant Biology and Ecology (WSE), 17-20 Avril 2013, Naples, Italie.