Publications since 1996

A-rank academic publications

  1. Noyer E.,. Fournier M.; Constant T, Collet C., Dlouha J. Biomechanical control of beech pole verticality (Fagus sylvatica L.) before and after thinning: theoretical modelling and ground-truth data using terrestrial LiDAR (accepted by Am.J.Bot)
  2. Nguyen VT., Kerautret B., Debled-Rennesson I., Colin F., Piboule A., Constant T. (2017) Algorithms and Implementation for Segmenting Tree Log Surface Defects. In: Kerautret B., Colom M., Monasse P. (eds) Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition. RRPR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10214. Springer, Cham doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56414-2_11
  3. V.-T. Nguyen, B. Kerautret, I. Debled-Rennesson, F. Colin, A. Piboule, et T. Constant, Segmentation of defects on log surface from terrestrial lidar data. in 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016, Cancún, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016, 2016, p. 31683173.
  4. Albrecht, A., Badel, E., Bonnesoeur, V., Brunet, Y., Constant, T., Défossez, P., de Langre, E., Dupont, S., Fournier, M., Gardiner, B., Mitchell, S. J., Moore, J. R., Moulia, B., Nicoll, B. C., Niklas, K. J., Schelhaas, M.-J., Spatz, H.-C., Telewski, F. W. (2016). Comment on "Critical wind speed at which trees break''. Physical Review E , 94 (6), 1-2. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.067001
  5. Bonnesoeur, V., Constant, T., Moulia, B., Fournier, M. (2016). Forest trees filter chronic wind-signals to acclimate to high winds. New Phytologist, 210 (3), 850-860. DOI : 10.1111/nph.13836
  6. Dassot, M., Fournier, M., Ningre, F., Constant, T. (2012). Effect of tree size and competition on tension wood production over time in beech plantations and assessing relative gravitropic response with a biomechanical model. American Journal of Botany, 99 (9), 1427 - 1435. DOI : 10.3732/ajb.1200086
  7. Dassot, M., Colin, A., Santenoise, P., Fournier, M., Constant, T. (2012). Terrestrial laser scanning for measuring the solid wood volume, including branches, of adult standing trees in the forest environment. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 89, 86 - 93. DOI : 10.1016/j.compag.2012.08.005
  8. Dassot, M., Constant, T., Fournier, M. (2011). The use of terrestrial LiDAR technology in forest science: application fields, benefits and challenges. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (5), 959-974. DOI : 10.1007/s13595-011-0102-2
  9. Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Marc Jaeger, Thiéry Constant. Segmentation of Forest Terrain Laser Scan Data. VRCAI '10: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, Seoul, South Korea, 2010, Dec. 12-13. ACM New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0459-7, pp. 47-54.Url:
  10. Freyburger, C., F. Longuetaud, F. Mothe, T. Constant and J. M. Leban (2009). Measuring wood density by means of X-ray computer tomography. Annals of Forest Science 66 (8) 804. DOI: 10.1051/forest/2009071
  11. Barbacci, A., T. Constant and G. Nepveu (2009). Theoretical and experimental study of a mechanical model describing the trunk behaviour of mature beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) under the static loading of the crown. Trees-Structure and Function 23(6): 1137-1147.
  12. Barbacci A., Constant T., Farré E., Harroué M. and Nepveu G. 2008. Shiny beech wood is confirmed as an  indicator of tension wood. IAWA  Journal, Vol. 29 (1), 2008: 35–46.
  13. Wernsdörfer H., Le Moguédec G., Constant T., Mothe F., Nepveu G., Seeling U., 2006. Modelling of the shape of red heartwood in beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) based on external tree characteristics. Ann. For. Sci. 63 8 905-913
  14. Badia M.A., Constant T., Mothe F., Nepveu G., (2006). Tension wood occurrence in three cultivars of Populus x euramericana. Part I : Inter-clonal and intra-tree variability of tension wood. Ann. For. Sci., 63 : 23-30.
  15. Badia M.A., Mothe F., Constant T., Nepveu G. 2005 Assessment of tension wood detection based on shiny appearance for three poplar cultivars. Ann. For. Sci. 62 (2005) 43-49.
  16. T. Constant, E. Farré, (2003) Laboratory apparatuses measuring 3D displacement fields involved in distortion of commercial size wood products due to moisture content change. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff 61(3) 173-181.
  17. T. Constant, M. Badia, F. Mothe, L. Saint-Andre, (2003) How to relate the standing tree shape to internal wood characteristics: Proposal of an experimental method applied to poplar trees. Ann. For. Sci. 60(4), 371-378
  18. T. Constant, M. Badia, F. Mothe, (2003) Dimensional stability of douglas fir and mixed beech-poplar plywood : experimental measurements and simulations. Wood Science and Technology, 37(1), 11-28.
  19. T. Constant, G Nepveu, F. Huber., (2002) Intra and inter-tree variability moisture content in standing sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.). Holzforschung, 56 (2), 117-124.
  20. T. Constant, C. Moyne , P. Perré, (1996) Drying with internal heat Generation : Theoretical aspects and application to microwave heating, AIChE Journal , February 1996, Vol.42, N°2, p359-368.

Publications in transfer journals

  1. Fournier, M., Bonnesoeur, V., Deleuze, C., Renaud, J.-P., Legay, M., Constant, T., Moulia, B. (2015). Pas de vent, pas de bois. L’apport de la biomécanique des arbres pour comprendre la croissance puis la vulnérabilité aux vents forts des peuplements forestiers. Revue Forestière Française, 67 (3), 213-237. DOI : 10.4267/2042/58173 
  2. Deleuze, F. Morneau, T. Constant, L.Saint-André A. Bouver, A. Colin, P. Vallet, A. Gauthier, M. Jaeger (2013) Le projet EMERGE pour des tarifs cohérents de volumes et biomasses des essences forestières françaises métropolitaines. ONF Rendez-vous Techniques n°39-40 32-36
  3. Constant T., Dassot M., Piboule A., (2013) Le Lidar terrestre : vers un inventaire en volume, ONF Rendez-vous Techniques n°39-40 74-78.
  4. Constant T., Dassot M., Piboule A., (2013) Le Lidar terrestre : vers un inventaire en volume, Foret entreprise 211  56-57.
  5. Wernsdörfer H, Constant T, Le Moguédec G, Mothe F, Nepveu G, Seeling U (2007): Le cœur rouge du Hêtre – Peut-on prévoir sa présence depuis l’extérieur de l’arbre ? Rendez-vous techniques de l’ONF, hors-série n° 2 « Gestion des hêtraies dans les forêts publiques françaises », pp. 85-91
  6. Constant T., Nepveu G., Becker G.(2007) Les contraintes de croissance et le Hêtre : Etat des connaissances et perspectives. Rendez-vous techniques de l’ONF, hors-série n° 2 « Gestion des hêtraies dans les forêts publiques françaises », pp. 76-84.
  7. Wernsdörfer, H., Constant, T., Le Moguédec, G., Mothe, F., Nepveu, G., Seeling, U.: Das Auftreten und die Form des Rotkerns in Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.) - Modellansätze auf der Ebene des Einzelbaums Forst und Holz, 2006; 61: 458-463
  8. Nepveu G., Constant T., Wernsdörfer H., 2005. La qualité du bois de Hêtre : vingt ans après, quoi de neuf depuis la monographie INRA ? Rev. For. Fr., LVII(2) : 239-248.

Modification date: 29 August 2023 | Publication date: 15 May 2023 | By: CONSTANT Thiéry