Productions 2021

Hal publications for 2021


HAL : Dernières publications

  • [hal-02934522] Estimation of dairy goat body composition: A direct calibration and comparison of eight methods

    The objective was to compare eight methods for estimation of dairy goat body composition, by calibrating against chemical composition (water, lipid, protein, mineral and energy) measured post-mortem. The methods tested on 20 Alpine goats were body condition score (BCS), 3-dimension imaging (3D) automatic assessment of BCS or whole body scan, ultrasound, computer tomography (CT), adipose cell diameter, deuterium oxide dilution space (D 2 OS) and bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS). Regressions were tested between predictive variates derived from the methods and empty body (EB) composition. The best equations for estimation of EB lipid mass included BW combined with i) perirenal adipose tissue mass and cell diameter (R 2 = 0.95, residual standard deviation, rSD = 0.57 kg), ii) volume of fatty tissues measured by CT (R 2 = 0.92, rSD = 0.76 kg), iii) D 2 OS (R 2 = 0.91, rSD = 0.85 kg), and iv) resistance at infinite frequency from BIS (R 2 = 0.87, rSD = 1.09 kg). The D 2 OS combined with BW provided the best equation for EB protein mass (R 2 = 0.97, rSD = 0.17 kg), whereas BW alone provided a fair estimate (R 2 = 0.92, rSD = 0.25 kg). Sternal BCS combined with BW provided good estimation of EB lipid and protein mass (R 2 = 0.80 and 0.95, rSD = 1.27 and 0.22 kg, respectively). Compared to manual BCS, BCS by 3D slightly decreased the precision of the predictive equation for EB lipid (R 2 = 0.74, rSD = 1.46 kg), and did not improve the estimation of EB protein compared with BW alone. Ultrasound measurements and whole body 3D imaging methods were not satisfactory estimators of body composition (R 2 ≤ 0.40). Further developments in body composition techniques may contribute for high-throughput phenotyping of robustness.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sylvain Lerch) 09 Sep 2020

  • [hal-02735790] The within-population variability of leaf spring and autumn phenology is influenced by temperature in temperate deciduous trees

    Leaf phenology is a major driver of ecosystem functioning in temperate forests and a robust indicator of climate change. Both the interannual and inter-population variability of leaf phenology have received much attention in the literature; in contrast, the withinpopulation variability of leaf phenology has been far less studied. Beyond its impact on individual tree physiological processes, the within-population variability of leaf phenology can affect the estimation of the average budburst or leaf senescence dates at the population scale. Here, we monitored the progress of spring and autumn leaf phenology over 14 tree populations (9 tree species) in six European forests over the period of 2011 to 2018 (yielding 16 site-years of data for spring, 14 for autumn). We monitored 27 to 512 (with a median of 62) individuals per population. We quantified the within-population variability of leaf phenology as the standard deviation of the distribution of individual dates of budburst or leaf senescence (SDBBi and SDLSi, respectively). Given the natural variability of phenological dates occurring in our tree populations, we estimated from the data that a minimum sample size of 28 (resp. 23) individuals, are required to estimate SDBBi (resp. SDLSi) with a precision of 3 (resp. 7) days. The within-population of leaf senescence (average SDLSi = 8.5 days) was on average two times larger than for budburst (average SDBBi = 4.0 days). We evidenced that warmer temperature during the budburst period and a late average budburst date were associated with a lower SDBBi, as a result of a quicker spread of budburst in tree populations, with a strong species effect. Regarding autumn phenology, we observed that later senescence and warm temperatures during the senescence period were linked with a high SDLSi, with a strong species effect. The shares of variance explained by our models were modest suggesting that other factors likely influence the within-population variation in leaf phenology. For instance, a detailed analysis revealed that summer temperatures were negatively correlated with a lower SDLSi.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rémy Denéchère) 07 Dec 2022

  • [hal-03465112] Nutrient supply modulates species interactions belowground: dynamics and traits of fine roots in mixed plantations of Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium

    Aims : Belowground interactions are still poorly understood in mixed-species forests. We investigated the effects of soil fertility on belowground processes in mixed planted forests. Methods : The dynamics and traits of Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) in plantations with 50% of each species were studied in a randomized block design established in a nutrient depleted soil. Stands with NPK fertilization applied at planting (F+) were compared to unfertilized stands (F-). Results : In the 0–15 cm soil layer, Eucalyptus root mass density (RMD) was higher than Acacia RMD by 50% in F+ and 10% in F-, considering both ages. At 34 months of age, Eucalyptus RMD was 94% higher near Acacia trees than near Eucalyptus trees in F-. In this layer, Eucalyptus specific root length (SRL) was 21% higher than Acacia SRL at 16 months of age and was 10% higher in F- than in F+ at 34 months of age. The cumulative Eucalyptus fine root length production between 16 and 34 months was 66% higher in F- than in F+ in the 0–1 m soil layer. Conclusions : Fertilization increased the competition between species and led to a partial exclusion of Acacia fine roots from the nutrient-rich topsoil. Soil exploration by Eucalyptus roots in the vicinity of Acacia trees was higher in F- than in F+, which suggests that unfertilized trees benefited from facilitation through higher soil N availability and direct N transfer from Acacia trees.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bruno Bordron) 03 Dec 2021

  • [hal-04528777] Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements

    Drought is predicted to increase in the future due to climate change, bringing with it myriad impacts on ecosystems. Plants respond to drier soils by reducing stomatal conductance in order to conserve water and avoid hydraulic damage. Despite the importance of plant drought responses for the global carbon cycle and local and regional climate feedbacks, land surface models are unable to capture observed plant responses to soil moisture stress. We assessed the impact of soil moisture stress on simulated gross primary productivity (GPP) and latent energy flux (LE) in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) vn4.9 on seasonal and annual timescales and evaluated 10 different representations of soil moisture stress in the model. For the default configuration, GPP was more realistic in temperate biome sites than in the tropics or high-latitude (cold-region) sites, while LE was best simulated in temperate and high-latitude (cold) sites. Errors that were not due to soil moisture stress, possibly linked to phenology, contributed to model biases for GPP in tropical savanna and deciduous forest sites. We found that three alternative approaches to calculating soil moisture stress produced more realistic results than the default parameterization for most biomes and climates. All of these involved increasing the number of soil layers from 4 to 14 and the soil depth from 3.0 to 10.8 m. In addition, we found improvements when soil matric potential replaced volumetric water content in the stress equation (the "soill4_psi" experiments), when the critical threshold value for inducing soil moisture stress was reduced ("soil14_p0"), and when plants were able to access soil moisture in deeper soil layers ("soil14_dr*2"). For LE, the biases were highest in the default configuration in temperate mixed forests, with overestimation occurring during most of the year. At these sites, reducing soil moisture stress (with the new parameterizations mentioned above) increased LE and increased model biases but improved the simulated seasonal cycle and brought the monthly variance closer to the measured variance of LE. Further evaluation of the reason for the high bias in LE at many of the sites would enable improvements in both carbon and energy fluxes with new parameterizations for soil moisture stress. Increasing the soil depth and plant access to deep soil moisture improved many aspects of the simulations, and we recommend these settings in future work using JULES or as a general way to improve land surface carbon and water fluxes in other models. In addition, using soil matric potential presents the opportunity to include plant functional type-specific parameters to further improve modeled fluxes.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anna B Harper) 02 Apr 2024

  • [hal-03419344] History as grounds for interdisciplinarity: promoting sustainable woodlands via an integrative ecological and socio-cultural perspective

    While calls for interdisciplinary research in environmental contexts are common, it often remains a struggle to integrate humanities/qualitative social sciences insights with those of bio-physical approaches. We propose that cross-disciplinary historical perspectives can open new avenues for collaboration among social and natural scientists while expanding visions of possible future environments and management scenarios. We make these arguments through attention to woodlands, which are under pressure from complex socio-ecological stressors that can best be understood from interdisciplinary perspectives. By combining deep ecological and shallower social historical approaches, we show how history can both enrich our understandings of woodland pasts and provide a ground for better combining the case-based insights of humanistic history with those of deep-time ecological history. We conclude that such interdisciplinary historical approaches are important not only for research, but also for management (especially rewilding and scenario-building), as the surprisingly large range of past changes reminds us that future conditions can be more varied than typically acknowledged.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Heather Anne Swanson) 08 Nov 2021

  • [hal-03320564] Hydraulic traits of Neotropical canopy liana and tree species across a broad range of wood density: implications for predicting drought mortality with models

    Abstract Wood density (WD) is often used as a proxy for hydraulic traits such as vulnerability to drought-induced xylem cavitation and maximum water transport capacity, with dense-wooded species generally being more resistant to drought-induced xylem cavitation, having lower rates of maximum water transport and lower sapwood capacitance than light-wooded species. However, relationships between WD and the hydraulic traits that they aim to predict have not been well established in tropical forests, where modeling is necessary to predict drought responses for a high diversity of unmeasured species. We evaluated WD and relationships with stem xylem vulnerability by measuring cavitation curves, sapwood water release curves and minimum seasonal water potential (Ψmin) on upper canopy branches of six tree species and three liana species from a single wet tropical forest site in Panama. The objective was to better understand coordination and trade-offs among hydraulic traits and the potential utility of these relationships for modeling purposes. We found that parameters from sapwood water release curves such as capacitance, saturated water content and sapwood turgor loss point (Ψtlp,x) were related to WD, whereas stem vulnerability curve parameters were not. However, the water potential corresponding to 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (P50) was related to Ψtlp,x and sapwood osmotic potential at full turgor (πo,x). Furthermore, species with lower Ψmin showed lower P50, Ψtlp,x and πo,x suggesting greater drought resistance. Our results indicate that WD is a good easy-to-measure proxy for some traits related to drought resistance, but not others. The ability of hydraulic traits such as P50 and Ψtlp,x to predict mortality must be carefully examined if WD values are to be used to predict drought responses in species without detailed physiological measurements.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mark de Guzman) 16 Aug 2021

  • [hal-02930429] Genomic and phenotypic divergence unveil microgeographic adaptation in the Amazonian hyperdominant tree Eperua falcata Aubl. (Fabaceae)

    Plant populations can undergo very localized adaptation, allowing widely distributed populations to adapt to divergent habitats in spite of recurrent gene flow. Neotropical trees –whose large and undisturbed populations often span a variety of environmental conditions and local habitats – are particularly good models to study this process. Here, we explore patterns of adaptive divergence from large (i.e. regional) to small (i.e. microgeographic) spatial scales in the hyperdominant Amazonian tree Eperua falcata Aubl. (Fabaceae) under a replicated design involving two microhabitats (~300 m apart) in two study sites (~300 km apart). A three-year reciprocal transplant illustrates that, beyond strong maternal effects and phenotypic plasticity, genetically driven divergence in seedling growth and leaf traits was detected both between seedlings originating from different regions, and between seedlings from different microhabitats. In parallel, a complementary genome scan for selection was carried out through whole-genome sequencing of tree population pools. A set of 290 divergence outlier SNPs was detected at the regional scale (between study sites), while 185 SNPs located in the vicinity of 106 protein-coding genes were detected as replicated outliers between microhabitats within regions. Outlier-surrounding genomic regions are involved in a variety of physiological processes, including plant responses to stress (e.g., oxidative stress, hypoxia and metal toxicity) and biotic interactions. Together with evidence of microgeographic divergence in functional traits, the discovery of genomic candidates for microgeographic adaptive divergence represents a promising advance in our understanding of local adaptation, which likely operates across multiple spatial scales and underpins divergence and diversification in Neotropical trees.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Louise Brousseau) 25 Oct 2023

  • [hal-03517042] Environment-sensitivity functions for gross primary productivity in light use efficiency models

    The sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental changes is essential for understanding carbon cycle responses to global climate change and for the development of modeling approaches that explains its spatial and temporal variability. We collected a large variety of published sensitivity functions of gross primary productivity (GPP) to different forcing variables to assess the response of GPP to environmental factors. These include the responses of GPP to temperature; vapor pressure deficit, some of which include the response to atmospheric CO2 concentrations; soil water availability (W); light intensity; and cloudiness. These functions were combined in a full factorial light use efficiency (LUE) model structure, leading to a collection of 5600 distinct LUE models. Each model was optimized against daily GPP and evapotranspiration fluxes from 196 FLUXNET sites and ranked across sites based on a bootstrap approach. The GPP sensitivity to each environmental factor, including CO2 fertilization, was shown to be significant, and that none of the previously published model structures performed as well as the best model selected. From daily and weekly to monthly scales, the best model's median Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency across sites was 0.73, 0.79 and 0.82, respectively, but poorer at annual scales (0.23), emphasizing the common limitation of current models in describing the interannual variability of GPP. Although the best global model did not match the local best model at each site, the selection was robust across ecosystem types. The contribution of light saturation and cloudiness to GPP was observed across all biomes (from 23% to 43%). Temperature and W dominates GPP and LUE but responses of GPP to temperature and W are lagged in cold and arid ecosystems, respectively. The findings of this study provide a foundation towards more robust LUE-based estimates of global GPP and may provide a benchmark for other empirical GPP products.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Shanning Bao) 07 Jan 2022

  • [hal-03889520] Climate change impact on tree mortality differs with tree social status

    Changes in temperature and rainfall linked to recent climate change increase the mortality rates of European temperate tree species. The economic importance of trees and the ecosystem services they provide differ according to their social status (dominant or suppressed trees) and their size. The extent to which climate change impacts these different categories in different ways remains little explored. Ecophysiological differences between tree size and status suggest different sensitivities to climate change. Dominant trees are exposed to more evapotranspiration than suppressed trees that benefit from buffered climatic conditions. Large trees are able to develop a network of fine roots that allow deeper water and nutrient uptake during water shortage periods, but that have higher water requirements and more physical constraints than small trees due to the fact that they must lift water to greater heights. We used 207,100 trees from the French forest inventory data (including 3,514 dead trees), representing eight common European tree species. For each species, we separated the tree population into three subsets of suppressed, small dominant and large dominant trees. For each subset, we modelled the mortality observed in a stand in the absence of disturbances (background mortality), with a focus on the differences in sensitivity to recent changes in temperature and rainfall. After having taken the main mortality drivers related to competition into account, as well as stand characteristics including logging intensity effect, we assessed the over-mortality linked to the recent changes in temperature and rainfall for each of the three subsets. When considering both changes in temperature and rainfall, the climate change related to over-mortality was greater for suppressed than for small or large dominant trees, for all the species. Over-mortality of suppressed trees was related to temperature increase, whereas a maximum vulnerability related to rainfall decrease was observed for large dominant trees. Over-mortality driven by climate change not only concerns large and dominant trees, but small and especially suppressed ones as well. These results suggest that in addition to wood production, forest renewal and ecosystem services associated with understorey vegetation are threatened by the recent changes in temperature and rainfall in European temperate forests.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Adrien Taccoen) 24 Jan 2024

  • [hal-03516934] Growth resistance and resilience of mixed silver fir and Norway spruce forests in central Europe: Contrasting responses to mild and severe droughts

    Extreme droughts are expected to increase in frequency and severity in many regions of the world, threatening multiple ecosystem services provided by forests. Effective strategies to adapt forests to such droughts require comprehensive information on the effects and importance of the factors influencing forest resistance and resilience. We used a unique combination of inventory and dendrochronological data from a longterm (>30 years) silvicultural experiment in mixed silver fir and Norway spruce mountain forests along a temperature and precipitation gradient in southwestern Germany. We aimed at examining the mechanisms and forest stand characteristics underpinning the resistance and resilience to past mild and severe droughts. We found that (i) fir benefited from mild droughts and showed higher resistance (i.e., lower growth loss during drought) and resilience (i.e., faster return to pre-drought growth levels) than spruce to all droughts; (ii) species identity determined mild drought responses while species This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Alessandra Bottero) 07 Jan 2022

  • [hal-03168867] Historical ecology of Mediterranean forests: Land use legacies on current understorey plants differ with time since abandonment and former agricultural use

    Questions: Land use legacies in current forest understorey vegetation, thoroughly studied in temperate regions, were investigated in a Mediterranean context. We tested the effect of three historical variables on current forest plant communities and traits: forest temporal continuity (ancient: forested before 1860, recent: reforested after 1860, and very recent forest: reforested after 1958) and type of land use in 1860 and 1958 (forest, pasture or arable land). Location: The Regional Natural Park of Luberon (southeastern France). Methods: We used a comprehensive vegetation plot database (473 species in 1,429 plots). Species’ response to historical variables was tested with logistic regressions, and the relationship between plant traits and historical variables was analysed with RLQ and fourth‐corner analyses. Results: Among all studied species, 250 responded to forest temporal continuity, 208 to 1860 land use, and 246 to 1958 land use. Species associated with ancient forests were more frequently forest specialists or forest edge species, shade‐tolerant and perennials, while species associated with recent and very recent forests were more frequently annuals, anemochorous and heliophilous species. Species exhibited different traits and ecological preferences according to the type of land use prior to forest: therophytes were more frequent on former arable land while chamaephytes were more frequent on former pasture. Trait responses to 1860 and 1958 land uses were globally consistent. Conclusions: The effect of forest temporal continuity and past land use on forest understorey communities was consistent with other studies in northern Europe or northern America, which suggests that the same ecological processes apply in temperate lowland and Mediterranean regions. This study highlights a succession of plant communities in the long term and different trajectories of succession according to the type of former agricultural use. The long‐term legacies of past land use in current forest plant communities highlight the importance to preserve ancient forests, where typical forest species can be maintained.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Juliet Abadie) 19 Apr 2021

  • [hal-03341381] Quand la covid‑19 remodèle les conférences scientifiques. Exemple du webinaire « Le Forest’Inn Lab sort du bois : Workshop Sciences Humaines et forêt »

    Compte rendu du webinaire « Le Forest’Inn Lab sort du bois : Workshop Sciences Humaines et forêt »

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marc Girard) 10 Sep 2021

  • [hal-03981721] Emerging challenges of ozone impacts on asian plants: actions are needed to protect ecosystem health

    Context: Ozone concentrations near the land surface are rising in Asia while they are declining or stagnating in Europe and North America. Ozone is the most widespread air pollutant negatively affecting vegetation, and its increased concentrations pose a major threat to food quality and production and other ecosystem services in Asia. Method: In this review, we provide an overview of scientific challenges in the impacts of ozone pollution on Asian vegetation, and synthesize the challenges toward mitigation of the impacts. Result: We argue that new policy initiatives need to seek both reduction of ozone levels and enhancement of plant tolerance to ozone to maintain food quality and ensure food supplies. Conclusion: The scientific advancements must be transferred to actions by two types of institutions: a) environmental agencies for reducing ozone levels and b) agricultural research institutions for enhancing plant tolerance to ozone. In connecting the scientific advancements with the institutional actions, scientists in Asian countries should play the key role taking advantages of interdisciplinary and international collaborations.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Zhaozhong Feng) 10 Feb 2023

  • [hal-03146559] Slow recovery from soil disturbance increases susceptibility of high elevation forests to landslides

    Natural hazards such as shallow landslides are common phenomena that disturb soil and damage forests. Quantifying the recovery of forest vegetation after a hazard is important for determining the window of susceptibility to new disturbance events, especially at high elevations, where extreme weather events are frequent and the growing season is short. Plant roots can reduce the size of this window on unstable hillslopes, by adding mechanical reinforcement (cr) to soil and increasing its matric suction, termed here as hydrological reinforcement (ch). These data are used in landslide models to calculate the Factor of Safety (FoS) of a hillslope. We calculated temporal variations in cr and ch in naturally regenerated mixed, montane forests in the French Alps. In these closed-canopy forests, open-canopy gaps were present, with understory vegetation comprising herbs, forbs and shrubs. At three altitudes (1400, 1700 and 2000 m), we dug small trenches as proxies for shallow landslide events and calculated cr before soil disturbance in both open gaps and closed forests. Then, using monthly tree root initiation and mortality data measured in rhizotrons, we calculated monthly cr for four years after the disturbance. To compare results with cr, ch was estimated using matric suction data that were measured in trenches at 1400 m for >1 year. Temporal FoS was then calculated using an infinite slope stability model.Results showed that finer, short-lived roots contributed little to soil reinforcement compared to thicker, long-lived roots. After disturbance, mean cr (over the entire soil profile) never fully recovered to the initial value at any site, although >90% recovery was observed in open gaps at 1400 m. Mean cr was slow to recover in closed forests, especially at 2000 m, where only 19% recovery occurred after 41 months. The ch in closed forests was considerable during the summer months, but marked increases in soil water moisture resulted in lower FoS, especially during December to April, when soil was near saturation. As cr changed little throughout the year, it was a more reliable contributor to slope stability. Our results show therefore, that particular attention should be paid to high elevation forests after a disturbance. Also, during the process of recovery, the highly variable soil water dynamics in closed forest can result in seasonal hotspots of vulnerability. Therefore, when tree transpiration is low, our results highlight a need for careful monitoring on steep or unstable slopes, especially in disturbed closed-canopy forests

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Hongxi Liu) 13 Feb 2023

  • [hal-03596873] Étude du choix de lieu de ponte par le hanneton forestier dans les Vosges du Nord

    Le hanneton forestier est une espèce importante de coléoptère à potentiel ravageur des forêts mixtes et feuillues européennes. Afin de mieux comprendre son écologie, nous avons étudié le comportement de ponte des femelles dans les Vosges du Nord. Nous avons mis en évidence qu’une strate arbustive dense est négativement corrélée à la densité de pontes et d’œufs dans le sol. Au contraire, l’ouverture de la canopée et la proportion de surface terrière de chêne dans le peuplement alentour étaient toutes deux positivement corrélées avec les densités de pontes et d’œufs. Nous émettons l’hypothèse qu’une couche arbustive dense crée une barrière physique pour les femelles. D’autre part, une canopée ouverte pourrait améliorer les conditions pour les larves dans le sol, tout comme une proportion élevée de chênes dans la zone environnante peut fournir une bonne source de nourriture pour les larves et les adultes.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jérémy Cours) 04 Mar 2022

  • [hal-03236882] Oviposition preference of the forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani Fabr. 1801) at the stand scale depends on oak proportion, canopy openness and ground accessibility

    AbstractKey messageMelolontha hippocastani is a major pest in European mixed and broadleaf forests. Investigating its oviposition behavior, we observed that a dense shrub layer reduces the density of egg clusters and eggs in the soil. Conversely, canopy openness and a large proportion of oak appear as favoring conditions.ContextMelolontha hippocastani is a major pest in European mixed and broadleaf forests. In north-eastern France, an epidemic phase has been observed since 2007, characterized by a high mortality rate of seedlings and young trees, and by massive swarming flights every 4 years.AimsWe investigated the oviposition behavior of M. hippocastani in the northern Vosges Mountains.MethodsWe set up study plots in the infected area after adults had emerged and the females had laid their eggs. We excavated pits and counted the eggs and egg clusters they contained. We also carried out dendrometric surveys.ResultsA dense shrub layer had a negative effect on the density of egg clusters and the number of eggs in the soil, while canopy openness and the proportion of oak basal area had positive effects.ConclusionWe hypothesized that a dense shrub layer could create a barrier for females. On the other hand, an open canopy may improve conditions for the larvae in the soil, just as a high proportion of oak trees in the surrounding area may provide a good food source for both larvae and adults. We suggest several research orientations and propose guidelines for forest management in view of our results.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jérémy Cours) 30 May 2022

  • [hal-03361243] Four-year-performance of oak and pine seedlings following mechanical site preparation with lightweight excavators

    Mechanical site preparation methods that used tools mounted on lightweight excavators and that provided localised intensive preparation were tested in eight experimental sites across France where the vegetation was dominated either by (L.) Moench or (L.) Kuhn. Two lightweight tools (Deep Scarifier: DS; Deep Scarifier followed by Multifunction Subsoiler: DS+MS) were tested in pine ( L., var. (Loudon) Hyl. or Aiton) and oak ( (Matt.) Liebl. or L.) plantations. Regional methods commonly used locally (herbicide, disk harrow, mouldboard plow) and experimental methods (repeated herbicide application; untreated control) were used as references in the experiments. Neighbouring vegetation cover, seedling survival, height and basal diameter were assessed over three to five years after plantation. For pines growing in , seedling diameter after four years was 37% and 98% greater in DS and DS+MS, respectively, than in the untreated control. For pines growing in , it was 62% and 107% greater in the same treatments. For oak, diameter was only 4% and 15% greater in , and 13% and 25% greater in , in the same treatments. For pines, the survival rate after four years was 26% and 32% higher in and 64% and 70% higher in , in the same treatments. For oak, it was 3% and 29% higher in and 37% and 31% higher in . Herbicide, when applied for three or four years after planting, provided the best growth performances for pines growing in and and for oaks growing in . For these species and site combinations, DS+MS and DS treatments reduced the neighbouring vegetation cover for one to four years following site preparation. Molinia caerulea Pteridium aquilinum Pinus sylvestris Pinus nigra corsicana Pinus pinaster Quercus petraea Quercus robur M. caerulea P. aquilinum M. caerulea P. aquilinum M. caerulea P. aquilinum M. caerulea P. aquilinum M. caerulea P. aquilinum P. aquilinum.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Noé Dumas) 10 Nov 2021

  • [hal-03880244] Contrasting Resource Dynamics in Mast Years for European Beech and Oak—A Continental Scale Analysis

    Resource allocation to different plant tissues is likely to be affected by high investment into fruit production during mast years. However, there is a large knowledge gap concerning species-specific differences in resource dynamics. We investigated the influence of mast years on stem growth, leaf production, and leaf carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations and contents in Fagus sylvatica , Quercus petraea , and Q. robur at continental and climate region scales using long-term data from the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) and similar datasets. We discussed the results in the light of opposing resource dynamics hypotheses: (i) resource accumulation before mast years and exhaustion after mast years ( resource storage hypothesis ), (ii) shifting resources from vegetative to generative compartments ( resource switching hypothesis ), and (iii) investing resources concurrently in both vegetative and generative compartments ( resource matching hypothesis ). Linear mixed-effects modelling (LMM) showed that both stem growth and leaf production were negatively influenced by weather conditions which simultaneously lead to high fruit production. Thus, the impact of generative on vegetative growth is intermixed with effects of environmental factors. Superposed epoch analyses and LMM showed that for mast behaviour in F. sylvatica , there are indicators supporting the resource storage and the resource switching hypotheses . Before mast years, resources were accumulated, while during mast years resources switched from vegetative to generative tissues with reduced stem and leaf growth. For the Quercus species, stem growth was reduced after mast years, which supports the resource storage hypothesis . LMM showed that leaf C concentrations did not change with increasing fruit production in neither species. Leaf N and P concentrations increased in F. sylvatica , but not in Quercus species. Leaf N and P contents decreased with increasing fruit production in all species, as did leaf C content in F. sylvatica . Overall, our findings suggest different resource dynamics strategies in F. sylvatica and Quercus species, which might lead to differences in their adaptive capacity to a changing climate.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anita Nussbaumer) 02 Dec 2022

  • [hal-03880251] Climate sensitivity and drought seasonality determine post-drought growth recovery of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in Europe

    Recent studies have identified strong relationships between delayed recovery of tree growth after drought and tree mortality caused by subsequent droughts. These observations raise concerns about forest ecosystem services and post-drought growth recovery given the projected increase in drought frequency and extremes. For quantifying the impact of extreme droughts on tree radial growth, we used a network of tree-ring width data of 1689 trees from 100 sites representing most of the distribution of two drought tolerant, deciduous oak species (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur). We first examined which climatic factors and seasons control growth of the two species and if there is any latitudinal, longitudinal or elevational trend. We then quantified the relative departure from pre-drought growth during droughts, and how fast trees were able to recover the pre-drought growth level. Our results showed that growth was more related to precipitation and climatic water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) than to temperature. However, we did not detect any clear latitudinal, longitudinal or elevational trends except a decreasing influence of summer water balance on growth of Q. petraea with latitude. Neither species was able to maintain the pre-drought growth level during droughts. However, both species showed rapid recovery or even growth compensation after summer droughts but displayed slow recovery in response to spring droughts where none of the two species was able to fully recover the pre-drought growth-level over the three post-drought years. Collectively, our results indicate that oaks which are considered resilient to extreme droughts have also shown vulnerability when droughts occurred in spring especially at sites where long-term growth is not significantly correlated with climatic factors. This improved understanding of the role of drought seasonality and climate sensitivity of sites is key to better predict trajectories of post-drought growth recovery in response to the drier climate projected for Europe.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Arun Bose) 02 Dec 2022

  • [hal-03293479] The climatic debt is growing in the understorey of temperate forests: Stand characteristics matter

    Aim. Climate warming reshuffles biological assemblages towards less cold-adapted but more warm-adapted species, a process coined thermophilization. However, the velocity at which this process is happening generally lags behind the velocity of climate change, generating a climatic debt the temporal dynamics of which remain misunderstood. Relying on high-resolution time series of vegetation data from a long-term monitoring network of permanent forest plots, we aim at quantifying the temporal dynamics – up to a yearly resolution – of the climatic debt in the understorey of temperate forests before identifying the key determinants that modulate it. Location. France. Time period. 1995–2017. Taxa studied. Vascular plants. Methods. We used the community temperature index (CTI) to produce a time series of understorey plant community thermophilization, which we subsequently compared to a time series of mean annual temperature changes over the same period and for the same sites. The direction and magnitude of the difference (i.e., the climatic debt) was finally analysed using linear mixed-effect models to assess the relative contributions of abiotic and biotic determinants, including forest stand characteristics. Results. We found a significant increase in CTI values over time (0.08–0.09 °C/decade), whereas the velocity of mean annual temperature changes was three times higher over the same period (0.22–0.28 °C/decade). Hence, the climatic debt increased over time and was greater in forest stands with higher basal area or older trees as well as under warmer macroclimate. By contrast, a greater frequency of anthropogenic disturbances decreased the climatic debt, while natural disturbances and herbivory had no impact. Conclusions. Although often overlooked in understanding the climatic debt of forest biodiversity, changes in forest stand characteristics may modulate the climatic debt by locally modifying microclimatic conditions. Notably, the buffering effect of the upper canopy layer implies microclimate dynamics that may provide more time for understorey plant communities to locally adapt.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Benoit Richard) 21 Jul 2021

  • [hal-03334029] Vertical variations in wood basic density for two softwood species

    Studies on wood basic density (BD) vertical variations become essential to predict more accurately the within-stem distributions of biomass and wood quality in the forest resource. The vertical variation of wood BD in the stem has been little studied until now, most BD studies being based on measurements taken at breast height. The main objective of this work was to observe and to understand the patterns of vertical BD variation within stems in relation to classical dendrometric variables and to propose relevant equation forms for future modelling. Two softwood species were studied: Abies alba and Pseudotsuga menziesii. Contrasted thinning intensities were studied including strongly thinned plots versus control plots without thinning. BD was most of the time highest at the base of the tree for both species. Then, after a strong decrease from the base of the tree, an increase in BD was often observed towards the top of the tree especially for A. alba. The variation in BD with height was stronger for the unthinned plots than for the heavily thinned ones of A. alba. The opposite was observed for Ps. menziesii. The modulation of growth rate and tree size through thinning intensities modifies the observed vertical variations in BD. Two types of biexponential models were proposed to describe BD variations. The first model used the height in the stem and classical easily-measurable tree variables as inputs, the other one additionally used BD at breast height (BD130). The relative RMSE of BD for A. alba and Ps. menziesii were 9.9% and 8.1%, respectively, with the model without BD130 and 7.6% and 5.9%, respectively, with the model including BD130.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Antoine Billard) 29 Aug 2024

  • [hal-03926049] Canopy openness and exclusion of wild ungulates act synergistically to improve oak natural regeneration

    Abstract Key message Fifteen species are most susceptible to require vegetation control during tree regeneration in the range of our study. Among these 15 species, Rubus fruticosus , Pteridium aquilinum , and Molinia caerulea cover each more than 300,000 ha of open-canopy forests. Context Vegetation control, i.e., the reduction of competitive species cover, is often required to promote tree seedling establishment during the forest regeneration stage. The necessity to control understory vegetation largely depends on the species to be controlled. In order to plan forest renewal operations, it is critical to identify which species require vegetation control during the regeneration stage and to quantify the forest area affected by these species. Aims We aimed at identifying the main species requiring vegetation control and at estimating the forest area they cover at the national level. Methods Using National Forest Inventory data, we created four indicators based on two levels of plant cover, cross-referenced with two levels of canopy opening, and compared them to the outcome of a survey of forest manager practices. Results The best indicator was the one that represented the proportion of forests with open canopy where the species was present with a large cover in the understory. In non-Mediterranean France, according to the indicator, a total of 15 species were found to frequently require vegetation control during the tree regeneration stage. Pteridium aquilinum , Molinia caerulea , and Rubus fruticosus were the main species, and each covered more than 300,000 ha of forest with open canopies, representing about 13% of the total forest area with open canopies outside of the Mediterranean area. Conclusions Forests covered by species requiring vegetation control according to forest managers represent a large share of the forest area undergoing regeneration. This study provides the first list of species that require vegetation control based on a methodological protocol that makes it possible to calculate the area associated with each species.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Julien Barrere) 22 Mar 2023

  • [hal-03205123] Slow Pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse for the Production of Char and the Potential of Its By-Product for Wood Protection

    Sugarcane bagasse was pyrolyzed using a laboratory fixed bed reactor to produce char and its by-product (pyrolysis liquid). The pyrolysis experiments were carried out using different temperatures (400 degrees C and 500 degrees C), heating rate (1 degrees C/min and 10 degrees C/min), and holding time (30 min and 60 min). Char was characterized according to its thermal properties, while the pyrolysis liquid was tested for its anti-fungal and anti-termite activities. Pyrolysis temperature and heating rate had a significant influence on the char properties and the yield of char and pyrolysis liquid, where a high-quality char and high yield of pyrolysis liquid can be obtained at a temperature of 500 degrees C and a heating rate of 10 degrees C/min. The yield of char and pyrolysis liquid was 28.97% and 55.46%, respectively. The principal compounds of pyrolysis liquid were water, acetic acid, glycolaldehyde, 1-hydroxy-2-propanone, methanol, formic acid, levoglucosan, furfural, followed by some phenol compounds and guaiacol derivatives. Pyrolysis liquid at a concentration of 0.20% and 0.25% (v/v) caused a 100% inhibition of Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor, respectively, when performing inhibition growth tests in Petri dishes. Filter paper treated with 10% of pyrolysis liquid caused 100% of termite mortality, while only 5.65%-7.03% of the treated filter papers consumed by termites at such concentration. Pyrolysis liquid is potentially effective to be used in the formulation of wood protection against fungi and termites.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Febrina Dellarose Boer) 22 Apr 2021

  • [hal-03137074] Shifts in soil and plant functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps

    Altitude integrates changes in environmental conditions that determine shifts in vegetation, including temperature, precipitation, radiation and edaphogenetic processes. In turn, vegetation alters soil biophysical properties through litter input, root growth, microbial and macrofaunal interactions. The belowground traits of plant communities modify soil processes in different ways, but it is not known how root traits influence soil biota at the community level. We collected data to investigate how elevation affects belowground community traits and soil microbial and faunal communities. This dataset comprises data from a temperate climate in France and a twin study was performed in a tropical zone in Mexico.Data description: The paper describes soil physical and chemical properties, climatic variables, plant community composition and species abundance, plant community traits, soil microbial functional diversity and macrofaunal abundance and diversity. Data are provided for six elevations (1400 – 2400 m) ranging from montane forest to alpine prairie. We focused on soil biophysical properties beneath three dominant plant species that structure local vegetation. These data are useful for understanding how shifts in vegetation communities affect belowground processes, such as water infiltration, soil aggregation and carbon storage. Data will also help researchers understand how plant communitiesadjust to a changing climate/environment

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Alexia Stokes) 10 Feb 2021

  • [hal-03282821] The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in 12 European forest tree species

    Progress in the field of evolutionary forest ecology has been hampered by the huge challenge of phenotyping trees across their ranges in their natural environments, and the limitation in high-resolution environmental information;The GenTree Platform contains phenotypic and environmental data from 4,959 trees from 12 ecologically and economically important European forest tree species: Abies alba Mill. (silver fir), Betula pendula Roth. (silver birch), Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech), Picea abies (L.) H. Karst (Norway spruce), Pinus cembra L. (Swiss stone pine), Pinus halepensis Mill. (Aleppo pine), Pinus nigra Arnold (European black pine), Pinus pinaster Aiton (maritime pine), Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine), Populus nigra L. (European black poplar), Taxus baccata L. (English yew), and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. (sessile oak). Phenotypic (height, diameter at breast height, crown size, bark thickness, biomass, straightness, forking, branch angle, fructification), regeneration, environmental in situ measurements (soil depth, vegetation cover, competition indices), and environmental modeling data extracted by using bilinear interpolation accounting for surrounding conditions of each tree (precipitation, temperature, insolation, drought indices) were obtained from trees in 194 sites covering the species’ geographic ranges and reflecting local environmental gradients. The GenTree Platform is a new resource for investigating ecological and evolutionary processes in forest trees. The coherent phenotyping and environmental characterization across 12 species in their European ranges allow for a wide range of analyses from forest ecologists, conservationists, and macro-ecologists. Also, the data here presented can be linked to the GenTree Dendroecological collection, the GenTree Leaf Trait collection, and the GenTree Genomic collection presented elsewhere, which together build the largest evolutionary forest ecology data collection available.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Lars Opgenoorth) 17 Nov 2021

  • [hal-03278925] Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAIu): A case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe

    Leaf area index (LAI) is a key ecological indicator for describing the structure of canopies and for modelling energy exchange between atmosphere and biosphere. While LAI of the forest overstory can be accurately assessed over large spatial scales via remote sensing, LAI of the forest understory (LAIu) is still largely ignored in ecological studies and ecosystem modelling due to the fact that it is often too complex to be destructively sampled or approximated by other site parameters. Additionally, so far only few attempts have been made to retrieve understory LAI via remote sensing, because dense canopies with high LAI are often hindering retrieval algorithms to produce meaningful estimates for understory LAI. Consequently, the forest understory still constitutes a poorly investigated research realm impeding ecological studies to properly account for its contribution to the energy absorption capacity of forest stands. This study aims to compare three conceptually different indirect retrieval methodologies for LAIu over a diverse panel of forest understory types distributed across Europe. For this we carried out near-to-surface measurements of understory reflectance spectra as well as digital surface photography over the extended network of Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) forest ecosystem sites. LAIu was assessed by exploiting the empirical relationship between vegetation cover and light absorption (Beer-Lambert- Bouguer law) as well as by utilizing proposed relationships with two prominent vegetation indices: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR). Retrievals from the three methods were significantly correlated with each other (r = 0.63–0.99, RMSE = 0.53–0.72), but exhibited also significant bias depending on the LAI scale. The NDVI based retrieval approach most likely overestimates LAI at productive sites when LAIu > 2, while the simple ratio algorithm overestimates LAIu at sites with sparse understory vegetation and presence of litter or bare soil. The purely empirical method based on the Beer-Lambert law of light absorption seems to offer a good compromise, since it provides reasonable LAIu values at both low and higher LAI ranges. Surprisingly, LAIu variation among sites seems to be largely decoupled from differences in climate and light permeability of the overstory, but significantly increased with vegetation diversity (expressed as species richness) and hence proposes new applications of LAIu in ecological modelling.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jan-Peter George) 06 Jul 2021

  • [hal-03423711] Quels besoins de connaissances pour le futur des forêts en France ? Au-delà du plan de relance

    Le plan France Relance lancé en septembre 2020 prévoit des mesures forestières sur 2 ans, avec un accent sur la reconstitution des peuplements forestiers sinistrés, affaiblis par les sécheresses ou attaqués par les scolytes. Cependant la crise forestière liée au changement climatique est partie pour durer et les efforts sur les connaissances à acquérir pour aider la forêt à s’adapter au changement climatique devront être poursuivis sur le long terme. Nous identifions quatre enjeux principaux, fortement liés à la préservation de la biodiversité : 1) S’assurer des conditions de succès d’établissement des forêts plantées. 2) Tirer parti des dynamiques naturelles et de la biodiversité pour limiter les risques. 3) Raisonner territorialement, impliquer davantage les acteurs. 4) Connecter les enjeux nationaux aux enjeux économiques mondiaux.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Maya Leroy) 10 Nov 2021

  • [hal-03208693] Assessment of the efficiency of three sampling methods for the recovery of soil charcoals in tropical anthropogenic sites

    The recovery and identification of wood charcoals from soil not associated to archaeological excavation is called pedoanthracology. Researchers in this field use different sampling methods, and only one study, in a temperate context, has compared their efficiency so far. In this paper, we compare the efficiency of three sampling methods on charcoal concentration (> 4 mm) and on taxonomic representativeness in a tropical environment for the first time. These methods are pit sampling, auger sampling and opportunistic handpicking of charcoal on tree uprooted mounds or in the soil excavated during the digging of a pit. Our results suggest that the two digging methods (pit and auger) allow to recover similar charcoal concentrations whatever the site and the depth under consideration. But as expected, the charcoal concentration of a site depends on its history (e.g. type of activity). We also show that the estimation of the minimal sampling effort required to obtain taxonomically representative assemblages, in terms of number of charcoals and of auger samplings, varied greatly depending on the site and on the presence of overrepresented taxa. Finally, our results show that auger cores were often monospecific (34 %). Nevertheless, they allowed to recover different taxa from the pit method, with 18 to 21 % of the taxa exclusive to the first method and 30 to 40 % of the taxa exclusive to the second one in the sites under consideration. Charcoals from opportunistic handpicking also allowed to improve the taxonomic diversity of the whole assemblage of a site with 5 to 15 % of the taxa being exclusive to this method. The three methods are therefore complementary and we suggest to use the three of them to obtain the best taxonomic diversity in an anthracological assemblage and to overcome the specific biases of each method. With this study, we hope that we will help tropical (pedo)anthracologists to optimize charcoal sampling in anthropogenic sites were the sampling design cannot benefit from archaeological excavations.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Stéphanie C Bodin) 27 Apr 2021

  • [hal-03334506] Anatomies, vascular architectures, and mechanics underlying the leaf size-stem size spectrum in 42 Neotropical tree species

    Abstract The leaf size-stem size spectrum is one of the main dimensions of plant ecological strategies. Yet the anatomical, mechanical, and hydraulic implications of small vs. large shoots are still poorly understood. We investigated 42 tropical rainforest tree species in French Guiana, with a wide range of leaf areas at the shoot level. We quantified the scaling of hydraulic and mechanical constraints with shoot size estimated as the water potential difference ΔΨ and the bending angle ΔΦ, respectively. We investigated how anatomical tissue area, flexural stiffness and xylem vascular architecture affect such scaling by deviating (or not) from theoretical isometry with shoot size variation. Vessel diameter and conductive path length were found to be allometrically related to shoot size, thereby explaining the independence between ΔΨ and shoot size. Leaf mass per area, stem length, and the modulus of elasticity were allometrically related with shoot size, explaining the independence between ΔΦ and shoot size. Our study also shows that the maintenance of both water supply and mechanical stability across the shoot size range are not in conflict.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sébastien Levionnois) 15 Sep 2021

  • [hal-03424361] Mixture effect on radial stem and shoot growth differs and varies with temperature

    The effect of species diversity on forest productivity and its temporal stability is known to be species-, climateand site-dependent and is mostly apprehended through stem diameter. Therefore, it remains largely unknown whether the mixture effect on the growth of tree crowns is similar to its effect on the growth of tree diameter. However, it is commonly accepted that changes in crown architecture are an important component of tree response to tree species diversity. Moreover, the mixture effect on species is often asymmetric, i.e. the effect of a species A on a species B is not equal to the effect of species B on A. It then appears that considering the effects of both species mixture and climate on shoot growth could contrast the results coming mainly from stem growth. We studied the effects of tree species mixture and temperature on the annual growth of shoots and basal area of stems in Fagus sylvatica-Quercus pubescens and Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba stands along a Mediterranean-Alpine gradient, for four years in five sites. The sample design was organized in 10 triplets: four triplets of mono-and bispecific plots of Quercus pubescens and Fagus sylvatica and six triplets of mono-and bi-specific plots of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 725 m to 1431 m. We found that the mixture effect on annual shoot volume increment (SVI) and on basal area increment (BAI) was asymmetrical in seven out of 10 cases and not significant in the three remaining cases. Mixture effect on SVI ranked from − 56% to 157% and on BAI it ranked from − 40% to 252%. Eventually we found that mixture effect was dependent on the type of limiting factor for growth, with at the driest sites a predominance of competition effects and at the coldest site a positive mixture effect on the two species studied. Branch growth appears as a variable that can be at least as informative as radial growth regarding the tree response to species interactions. This implies that considering only stem diameter in the diversity-productivity relationship can lead to biased conclusions on the global mixture effect on tree growth, which calls for a comprehensive approach of the tree response to tree species diversity. Our results are discussed in the light of the species stress tolerances and strategies to cope with competition.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Maude Toïgo) 10 Mar 2023

  • [hal-03299186] Mixing beech with fir or pubescent oak does not help mitigate drought exposure at the limit of its climatic range

    In the context of climate change, it remains unclear whether mixed-species forests will help mitigate the impacts of future droughts and, if so, through which processes. As European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the major European species, it is crucial to evaluate its response to drought when mixed with species with contrasted functional traits and in contrasted climatic conditions, particularly at the limit of its climatic range. This study aimed to (i) characterize the effects of tree species interactions on the drought exposure of beech in southeastern France, and (ii) determine whether belowground water uptake complementarity underlies these effects. We focused on beech-silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and beech-pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) forests across six sites in the French pre-Alps, a region at the limit of the climatic range for beech. We used a triplet approach to compare the tree-ring carbon isotope composition (δ 13 C) of these species in pure and two-species mixed stands during a period of dry years, and used water hydrogen isotope composition (δ 2 H) in the xylem to identify water uptake sources. Overall, we found no clear mixture effect pattern on beech physiological functioning among sites and triplets. In beech-fir sites, mixing beech with fir had no effect on beech δ 13 C values during dry years. In beech-oak sites, mixture effects on beech were mostly neutral, although sometimes beech suffered from a stronger exposure to drought in mixed stands. Our study emphasizes the impact of the tree sampling design on the outcome of studies on forest biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Limiting tree sampling to dominant trees when analyzing stand-level relationships may bias these outcomes. We evidenced differences in water uptake sources between beech and fir, but not between beech and oak during a dry summer. However, these patterns did not help explain the lack of species mixture effects, or existence thereof, at the triplet scale. Our study demonstrates that managing beech in mixed stands with silver fir or pubescent oak at the limit of beech climatic range does not buffer drought impacts on beech during dry years. In the long term, with more frequent extreme droughts, promoting beech-fir mixtures will not be detrimental to beech drought response, while beech may suffer in mixtures with pubescent oak.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Soline Martin-Blangy) 09 Aug 2021

  • [hal-03516967] Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests

    Information about forest background reflectance is needed for accurate biophysical parameter retrieval from forest canopies (overstory) with remote sensing. Separating under- and overstory signals would enable more accurate modeling of forest carbon and energy fluxes. We retrieved values of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of the forest understory with the multi-angular Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)/albedo data (gridded 500 m daily Collection 6 product), using a method originally developed for boreal forests. The forest floor background reflectance estimates from the MODIS data were compared with in situ understory reflectance measurements carried out at an extensive set of forest ecosystem experimental sites across Europe. The reflectance estimates from MODIS data were, hence, tested across diverse forest conditions and phenological phases during the growing season to examine their applicability for ecosystems other than boreal forests. Here we report that the method can deliver good retrievals, especially over different forest types with open canopies (low foliage cover). The performance of the method was found to be limited over forests with closed canopies (high foliage cover), where the signal from understory becomes too attenuated. The spatial heterogeneity of individual field sites and the limitations and documented quality of the MODIS BRDF product are shown to be important for the correct assessment and validation of the retrievals obtained with remote sensing.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jan Pisek) 07 Jan 2022

  • [hal-03363005] Climate and socio-economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world

    Aim The number of naturalized (i.e. established) alien species has increased rapidly over recent centuries. Given the differences in environmental tolerances among species, little is known about what factors determine the extent to which the observed size of the naturalized range of a species and hence the extent to which the observed richness of naturalized species of a region approach their full potential. Here, we asked which region- and species-specific characteristics explain differences between observed and expected naturalizations. Location Global. Time period Present. Major taxa studied Vascular plants. Methods We determined the observed naturalized distribution outside Europe for 1,485 species endemic to Europe using the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database and their expected distributions outside Europe using species distribution models. First, we investigated which of seven socio-economic factors related to introduction pathways, anthropogenic pressures and inventory effort best explained the differences between observed and expected naturalized European floras. Second, we examined whether distributional features, economic use and functional traits explain the extent to which species have filled their expected ranges outside Europe. Results In terms of suitable area, more than 95% of expected naturalizations of European plants were not yet observed. Species were naturalized in only 4.2% of their suitable regions outside of Europe (range filling) and in 0.4% of their unsuitable regions (range expansion). Anthropogenic habitat disturbance primarily explained the difference between observed and expected naturalized European floras, as did the number of treaties relevant to invasive species. Species of ornamental and economic value and with large specific leaf area performed better at filling and expanding beyond their expected range. Main conclusions The naturalization of alien plant species is explained by climate matching but also by the regional level of human development, the introduction pressure associated with the ornamental and economic values of the species and their adaptation to disturbed environments.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Robin Pouteau) 02 Oct 2021

  • [hal-03261880] Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database

    Plant transpiration links physiological responses of vegetation to water supply and demand with hydrological, energy, and carbon budgets at the land–atmosphere interface. However, despite being the main land evaporative flux at the global scale, transpiration and its response to environmental drivers are currently not well constrained by observations. Here we introduce the first global compilation of whole-plant transpiration data from sap flow measurements (SAPFLUXNET, https://sapfluxnet.creaf.cat/, last access: 8 June 2021). We harmonized and quality-controlled individual datasets supplied by contributors worldwide in a semi-automatic data workflow implemented in the R programming language. Datasets include sub-daily time series of sap flow and hydrometeorological drivers for one or more growing seasons, as well as metadata on the stand characteristics, plant attributes, and technical details of the measurements. SAPFLUXNET contains 202 globally distributed datasets with sap flow time series for 2714 plants, mostly trees, of 174 species. SAPFLUXNET has a broad bioclimatic coverage, with woodland/shrubland and temperate forest biomes especially well represented (80 % of the datasets). The measurements cover a wide variety of stand structural characteristics and plant sizes. The datasets encompass the period between 1995 and 2018, with 50 % of the datasets being at least 3 years long. Accompanying radiation and vapour pressure deficit data are available for most of the datasets, while on-site soil water content is available for 56 % of the datasets. Many datasets contain data for species that make up 90 % or more of the total stand basal area, allowing the estimation of stand transpiration in diverse ecological settings. SAPFLUXNET adds to existing plant trait datasets, ecosystem flux networks, and remote sensing products to help increase our understanding of plant water use, plant responses to drought, and ecohydrological processes. SAPFLUXNET version 0.1.5 is freely available from the Zenodo repository (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3971689; Poyatos et al., 2020a). The “sapfluxnetr” R package – designed to access, visualize, and process SAPFLUXNET data – is available from CRAN.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rafael Poyatos) 16 Jun 2021

  • [hal-03351338] Improving the Fagacées growth model with an expanded common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) data series from France and Germany

    Key message: The Fagacées growth model was originally designed for application in the Northern half of France. It is a robust model with potential applicability to a larger area, though this potential has not yet been verified. We added new data to the original parameterization data set and our results show that the Fagacées formalism can be generalized. Context :The Fagacées growth and yield model was designed for the management of pure even-aged stands of European beech and served as a prototype to build models for other tree species. Aims: The objective of this study was to improve the growth components of the Fagacées model with additional data from NorthWestern France to SouthWestern Germany. Material and methods: Our model was calibrated on several forest inventory data sets. The first one (F) is the original data set that was used to elaborate the equations in the Fagacées model. The second one (F+) is the original data set extended with additional measurements on the same sites and on new sites in Northern France. The third (G) adds complementary data from a forest network in Southwestern Germany. The last one (A) is the aggregate of all these data sets. Results: Fitting the original model equations on the extended F+ dataset led us to modify the equation for stand basal area increment. This new equation also fit the German dataset well. The other equations could be applied to all datasets, some with the same parameter values and some after recalibrating according to the dataset. Conclusion: We conclude that the general form of the model's equations is appropriate for application to other regions, but that a recalibration of the equations is preferable in order to reflect local conditions. The advantage of our approach is that fewer data are required to recalibrate an existing equation than to establish an entirely new one.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gilles Le Moguédec) 22 Sep 2021

  • [hal-03369095] Is vulnerability segmentation at the leaf-stem transition a drought resistance mechanism? A theoretical test with a trait-based model for Neotropical canopy tree species

    Key message: Leaf-stem vulnerability segmentation predicts lower xylem embolism resistance in leaves than stem. However, although it has been intensively investigated these past decades, the extent to which vulnerability segmentation promotes drought resistance is not well understood. Based on a trait-based model, this study theoretically supports that vulnerability segmentation enhances shoot desiccation time across 18 Neotropical tree species. Context: Leaf-stem vulnerability segmentation predicts lower xylem embolism resistance in leaves than stems thereby preserving expensive organs such as branches or the trunk. Although vulnerability segmentation has been intensively investigated these past decades to test its consistency across species, the extent to which vulnerability segmentation promotes drought resistance is not well understood. Aims: We investigated the theoretical impact of the degree of vulnerability segmentation on shoot desiccation time estimated with a simple trait-based model. Methods We combined data from 18 tropical rainforest canopy tree species on embolism resistance of stem xylem (flow-centrifugation technique) and leaves (optical visualisation method). Measured water loss under minimum leaf and bark conductance, leaf and stem capacitance, and leaf-to-bark area ratio allowed us to calculate a theoretical shoot desiccation time ( t crit ). Results: Large degrees of vulnerability segmentation strongly enhanced the theoretical shoot desiccation time, suggesting vulnerability segmentation to be an efficient drought resistance mechanism for half of the studied species. The difference between leaf and bark area, rather than the minimum leaf and bark conductance, determined the drastic reduction of total transpiration by segmentation during severe drought. Conclusion: Our study strongly suggests that vulnerability segmentation is an important drought resistance mechanism that should be better taken into account when investigating plant drought resistance and modelling vegetation. We discuss future directions for improving model assumptions with empirical measures, such as changes in total shoot transpiration after leaf xylem embolism.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sébastien Levionnois) 07 Oct 2021

  • [hal-03037249] Mixing has limited impacts on the foliar nutrition of European beech and Scots pine trees across Europe

    Tree species-mixing has been suggested as one option to counteract the adverse effects of global change on tree mineral nutrition, yet the effect of mixing on nutrient availability remains poorly documented. We therefore analyzed the current foliar nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) quantities and ilr balances (isometric log transformed ratios between elements or groups of elements) for 261 European beech and 248 Scots pine trees from 15 sites, each consisting of one beech-pine mixed stand and the respective monocultures, across a gradient of environmental conditions in Europe. We hypothesized an overall positive effect of mixing on tree foliar nutrient content, and that this mixing effect would be stronger on nutrient-poor sites. Using linear mixed models and multivariate linear regression models, we first tested for the effects of species (beech/pine) and composition (pure/mixed) across all sites; we then investigated whether the species-mixing effect was related to site fertility. The nutrient composition of beech leaves and pine needles differed significantly for all ilr balances. For both species, significant mixing effects were detected for some nutrients and ilr balances; those effects, however, could not be consistently related to contrasted nutrient composition between species. For most nutrients and ilr balances, the mixing effect was influenced by the site nutritional status, but the pattern differed from expectation: absence or minor differences between monocultures and mixtures at the lower end of the chemical fertility gradient, and maximum differences in rich soils. The contrasting foliar nutrient composition of pine and beech trees and the site nutrient status only partly explained the mixing effects on tree mineral nutrition. Our results claim for a better understanding of nutrientrelated mechanisms associated with complementarity and points towards the need to further expand the existing frameworks to account for the multivariate nature of tree nutrition.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Géraud de Streel) 25 Oct 2023

  • [hal-03265612] Turgor – a limiting factor for radial growth in mature conifers along an elevational gradient

    A valid representation of intra-annual wood formation processes in global vegetation models is vital for assessing climate change impacts on the forest carbon stock. Yet, wood formation is generally modelled with photosynthesis, despite mounting evidence that cambial activity is rather directly constrained by limiting environmental factors. Here, we apply a state-of-the-art turgor-driven growth model to simulate 4 yr of hourly stem radial increment fromPicea abies(L.) Karst. andLarix deciduaMill. growing along an elevational gradient. For the first time, wood formation observations were used to validate weekly to annual stem radial increment simulations, while environmental measurements were used to assess the climatic constraints on turgor-driven growth. Model simulations matched the observed timing and dynamics of wood formation. Using the detailed model outputs, we identified a strict environmental regulation on stem growth (air temperature > 2 degrees C and soil water potential > -0.6 MPa). Warmer and drier summers reduced the growth rate as a result of turgor limitation despite warmer temperatures being favourable for cambial activity. These findings suggest that turgor is a central driver of the forest carbon sink and should be considered in next-generation vegetation models, particularly in the context of global warming and increasing frequency of droughts.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Richard L Peters) 21 Jun 2021

  • [hal-03533462] Maladie des bandes rouges : le pin laricio souffre mais ne rompt pas !

    L’investissement de longue date des organismes forestiers de recherche et de développement dans l’installation et le suivi de réseaux d’expérimentation sylvicole, comme le GIS Coopérative des données sur la croissance des peuplements forestiers, permet d’étudier le lien entre sylviculture et maladie des bandes rouges sur un large panel de dispositifs de pins laricio en France. L’impact de la maladie des bandes rouges sur la mortalité et la croissance a été suivi pendant 3 ans. L’étude montre que la mortalité est très faible mais que la croissance est fortement réduite, proportionnellement aux niveaux de dégâts dans les houppiers causés par la maladie. Elle montre également qu’en gérant les peuplements de manière dynamique, on limite les symptômes de la maladie et donc la perte de production. Cet article a été publié dans le cadre d’un dossier intitulé « Le pin laricio, toujours d’actualité : résultats du programme Dolar » paru dans le n° 259/2021 de Forêt entreprise.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sandrine Perret) 18 Jan 2022

  • [hal-03955976] Observatoire des peuplements dévastés et mités après tempête (1999). 1 - Analyse des dynamiques naturelles forestières après deux décennies

    L’observatoire des peuplements dévastés et mités a été mis en place après la tempête de 1999 pour caractériser les différentes dynamiques de reconstitution des peuplements touchés par la tempête. 20 ans de suivi ont permis de montrer que la régénération naturelle s’installe en quantité suffisante dans de nombreux sites. L’étude de la dynamique de reconstitution naturelle a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance de la taille de la trouée et de la composition du peuplement antécédent dans la modulation de la succession forestière.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Lisa Laurent) 25 Jan 2023

  • [hal-03780057] Mechanical properties of secondary quality beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) obtained from thinning, and their relationship to structural parameters

    Context: Using secondary qualities and small logs of hardwoods such as beech and oak for engineered wood products is an increasingly important issue due to the technological challenges of processing smaller logs and denser woods. Secondary quality hardwoods are expected to have less variation in mechanical properties compared to softwoods with high juvenile wood content. Aims: The first objective of this study was to investigate the radial variation in wood properties of suppressed growth beech and oak trees obtained from thinning operations. The second objective was to develop a model to predict the mechanical properties of these hardwood species based on their structural parameters.• MethodsThe microfibril angle, ring wood density, and ring width from the pith to the bark were determined using an X-ray densitometer. The modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture were evaluated on the small clear specimen using a three-point bending test. The wood density, grain angle, and microfibril angle of this small clear specimen were also measured. ResultsThe results show that the juvenile wood in oak has a wider ring and higher microfibril angle, whereas it has wider latewood and higher microfibril angle in beech. For both species, the juvenile wood occupies a very small area, less than 5 cm from the pith. The mechanical properties of oak and beech wood from suppressed growth trees are comparable to properties reported in the literature for dominant trees. The modulus of elasticity of oak was best predicted using wood density, grain angle, and microfibril angle. The modulus of rupture of oak is better predicted with wood density and grain angle, whereas it is best predicted with wood density alone for beech. ConclusionJuvenile wood found in the suppressed growth trees of both hardwoods can be used in place of mature wood. It is important to take structural parameters into account when predicting the mechanical properties of hardwood species.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Citra Yanto Ciki Purba) 19 Sep 2022

  • [hal-03155739] Developing the persona method to increase the commitment of non-industrial private forest owners in French forest policy priorities

    In Europe, 60% of the forest area is privately owned, with a significant proportion of nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) being highly fragmented with, in particular, low intensity forest management. Numerous typologies have therefore been developed to provide detailed guidance to policy makers for the design of policy instruments to involve these owners in forest management approaches. However, these policy instruments fail to involve all categories of owners and there is no method made by and with people locally in charge of policy implementation to increase the commitment of NIPF owners. The main objective of this study is to adapt the persona method, which is a central user-centered design tool, to design typologies of NIPF owners as future users of policy instruments. We have designed our personas in the Vosges territory (France), in the context of the main French forest policy objective of increasing timber harvesting and NIPF sustainable management. Our results designed eight types of personas as well as a six-part composition of the persona sheet. The main interest is to provide a general methodology to forest policy and forest managers based on rigorous concepts of usercentered design processes and co-creation, to implement operational tools for NIFP management. Finally, both future developments and methodological limitations are discussed in a global research perspective.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Maxence Arnould) 16 Feb 2023

  • [hal-03038385] Effects of different site preparation methods on the root development of planted Quercus petraea and Pinus nigra

    Mechanical site preparation (MSP) is often performed prior to planting to improve the growth and survival of planted seedlings. In this study, we compared root development of 5-years-old Quercus petraea and Pinus nigra seedlings planted in plots that had been prepared with different methods, i.e. deep scarification, deep scarification combined with mounding-subsoiling, herbicide and a control without preparation. Seventy-two trees were excavated (36 per species) and their root system was measured by recording points in a three-dimensional space along their roots. The variation of the number of roots with depth and distance to root collar was assessed and analysed, as well as the root projection area. Our results showed that root development was better in the plots with mechanical preparation, for both Q. petraea and P. nigra, when compared to the control. Combining mounding to subsoiling made the roots extending deeper, especially for Q. petraea. A strong relationship was found between root projection area and root collar diameter, indicating the primary effect of lateral root spread on tree growth. The herbicide treatment induced the highest root growth, which raised questions about the potential negative effects of changes in soil properties caused by MSP methods.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mathieu M. Dassot) 03 Dec 2020

  • [hal-03518548] Modeling size-density trajectories of even-aged ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) stands in France. A baseline to assess the impact of Chalara ash dieback

    AbstractKey messageA piecewise polynomial function already used to represent the size-density trajectories of pure even-aged stands of beech, oak, and Douglas-fir proved its ability to represent the size-density trajectories of a new species, ash. The widespread ash dieback caused departures from the expected size-density trajectories. These abnormalities can be used to detect an extra level of mortality due to infection byHymenoscyphus fraxineusin pure even-aged ash stands.ContextThe size-density trajectories allow quantifying more precisely the density of stands and can help the forest manager to decide of the opportunity of thinnings. This study helped to quantify extra mortality in pure even-aged stands by using the size-density trajectories established for stands evolving at maximum density.AimsThis study was conducted to establish size-density trajectories of pure even-aged ash stands and compare them with those recently established for beech and oak in France, in particular concerning the onset of density-dependent (regular) mortality. The additional effect of ash dieback on mortality was also an issue.Material and methodsWe used permanent and semi-permanent unthinned ash plots installed in the north of France and where inventories of trees were performed at more or less regular intervals: measurements included tree status (dead or alive) and diameter or girth at breast height for all trees and total height for a sample of living trees. The size-density trajectories of plots describing the course of the number of living trees in relation with the mean stand girth, in logarithmic scales, were modeled with a piecewise polynomial function fitted with a mixed-effects model. A permanent sample of trees was also selected for ash dieback and extra mortality monitoring.ResultsThe piecewise polynomial function already used proved its ability to represent the size-density trajectories of even-aged ash stands of various initial densities and fertility levels. As for beech and oak, the trajectories were modeled so that mortality onset occurred at a constant relative density. This level appeared to be much higher for ash (RDI = 0.58), revealing that ash survived with less growing space than beech and oak and appeared to be more efficient. Ash dieback caused an additional mortality in the experimental ash stands studied, and this excess of mortality appeared predictable on the basis of observed departures from the expected size-density trajectories.ConclusionA single parameter function family could be used to predict the size-density trajectories of even-aged ash stands, on the basis of the results obtained previously on oak and beech. Mortality onset and space requirements of ash could be compared with those of beech and oak and show that ash can survive at higher densities and is a more efficient species. Predicted size-density trajectories proved also useful to detect and quantify the excess of mortality due to H. fraxineus on ash. This approach could be extended to other diseases and species with predictable size-density trajectories.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Noël Le Goff) 10 Jan 2022

  • [hal-03048359] Tree species identity drives soil organic carbon storage more than species mixing in major two-species mixtures (pine, oak, beech) in Europe

    Mixed forests are usually associated with higher aboveground carbon storage compared to the corresponding monocultures but information on the impact of tree species mixing on soil organic carbon (SOC) is still limited. Yet, maximizing SOC storage is crucial for ecosystem C sequestration and many other ecosystem services. This study used a triplet approach (ie. two-species mixed stand and respective pure stands at the same site) to assess the impact of tree species identity and mixing on SOC storage in eight pine-oak, eight pine-beech and five beech-oak triplets in Europe. We sampled the forest floor (FF) and 0–40 cm in the mineral soil per 10 cm interval. For each triplet type, we fitted basal area (BA) proportion of one component species (for species identity) and a BA-based plot-level True Shannon Diversity index (for species mixing) as explanatory variables for SOC stocks in linear mixed effects models, which included stone content and plot BA as covariates, and site as a random intercept. Considering the total soil depth (FF + 0–40 cm), species identity effect on SOC stocks was only significant for pine-beech and pine-oak triplets but explained more variability in SOC stocks than species mixing across triplet types. Species mixing effect was not significant for any triplet type in the total soil depth. While species identity consistently drove SOC storage in the topsoil layers across triplet types, species mixing explained more variability in SOC stocks in the deeper soil layers except for pine-oak triplets. The results showed that species identity is a stronger driver of SOC storage than species mixing. While tree species identity effect was strongly related to a conifers vs broadleaves signature, the drivers behind mixing effects remained elusive. The results suggest that targeted selection of tree species could better enhance SOC storage in European forests than a mere increase in species richness.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Richard Osei) 25 Oct 2023

  • [hal-03483916] Phenotypic and genotypic data of a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) progeny trial issued from three plots along an elevation gradient in Mont Ventoux, South-Eastern France

    Key Message: We provide phenotypic and genotypic data for a progeny trial of 5813 European beech seedlings, originating from 60 open-pollinated families collected at three altitudes (1020 m; 1140 m, 1340 m) on Mont Ventoux (44° 11′ N; 17° 5′ E). Background: Considering the patterns of adaptive traits’ genetic divergence and local adaptation displayed by many tree species at large spatial scale, forest tree populations are usually assumed to have a high evolutionary potential (Alberto et al. 2013). However, there is still limited evidence of the level of genetic variation available within population at key functional traits involved in response to climate. Moreover, we also need to investigate the abilities of tree populations to adapt to local variation of their environment (i.e., microgeographic adaptation, Richardson et al. 2014). Abstract: This data paper extensively describes a valuable quantitative genetic experiment designed to address these issues in the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), a major tree species in Europe. Sixty beech maternal progenies were collected in three plots along an elevation gradient and grown in a common garden under two contrasted experimental conditions (water stress/no water stress), to assess how the variation at twelve adaptive traits partitioned within and among families, plots, and experimental contrasts. Moreover, we genotyped a subset of offspring and all the potentially reproductive adults in the three plots at 13 microsatellite markers to infer paternal relationships and to estimate average relatedness within and between maternal families and genetic divergence among plots.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio) 16 Dec 2021

  • [hal-03013971] Scientific and human errors in a snow model intercomparison

    Twenty-seven models participated in the Earth System Model - Snow Model Intercomparison Project (ESM-SnowMIP), the most data-rich MIP dedicated to snow modelling. Our findings do not support the hypothesis advanced by previous snow MIPs: evaluating models against more variables, and providing evaluation datasets extended temporally and spatially does not facilitate identification of key new processes requiring improvement to model snow mass and energy budgets, even at point scales. In fact, the same modelling issues identified by previous snow MIPs arose: albedo is a major source of uncertainty, surface exchange parametrizations are problematic and individual model performance is inconsistent. This lack of progress is attributed partly to the large number of human errors that led to anomalous model behaviour and to numerous resubmissions. It is unclear how widespread such errors are in our field and others; dedicated time and resources will be needed to tackle this issue to prevent highly sophisticated models and their research outputs from being vulnerable because of avoidable human mistakes. The design of and the data available to successive snow MIPs were also questioned. Evaluation of models against bulk snow properties was found to be sufficient for 15 some but inappropriate for more complex snow models whose skills at simulating internal snow properties remained untested. Discussions between the authors of this paper on the purpose of MIPs revealed varied, and sometimes contradictory, motivations behind their participation. These findings started a collaborative effort to adapt future snow MIPs to respond to the diverse needs of the community

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Cecile Menard) 19 Nov 2020

  • [hal-03231137] Historical ecology and ancient forests: Progress, conservation issues and scientific prospects, with some examples from the French case

    Forest area has dramatically increased since the beginning or middle of the 19th century in European countries. At least half of the forests present today have grown on formerly cultivated lands, pastures or heathlands. However, net forest expansion largely masks a slow but irretrievable erosion of ancient forests. Meanwhile, forest resource harvesting (biomass, litter) has fundamentally changed during the last two centuries, moving from intensive biomass removal to increased growing stocks in different European countries. This article reviews the current knowledge on the long-term legacies of past land use and forest management practices and their effects on the functions, diversity and composition of understory vegetation of current forest ecosystems. First, we define the concepts of forest continuity and ancient forest. Then, based on the French case, we present the advances in historical sources, which make it possible to better reconstruct the change in land use and forest management practices over the last two hundred years. We review how understory plant communities and their traits respond to forest continuity and to different types of former agricultural uses, both at local and landscape scales. We then address three important issues for conservation and management: the conservation value of ancient forests, the impact of forest management on the ecological integrity of ancient forests, and the under-explored legacies of former forest management practices on soil and understory vegetation. Lastly, we propose five main fronts for future research efforts: (a) explore all types of cartographic, written sources and environmental markers; (b) develop modelling approaches to understand how past land use shapes plant communities; (c) better define the conservation value of ancient forests in conservation and management policies; (d) investigate how drivers of global change interact with forest management and land use legacies and (e) explore land use legacies in mountain and Mediterranean socio-ecological systems.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laurent Bergès) 20 May 2021

  • [hal-04214003] Dynamiques forestières à l'ère anthropocène : mise au point sémantique et proposition de définitions écologiques

    Dans cette mise au point sémantique, nous proposons de formaliser une série de définitions des termes les plus fréquemment utilisés pour qualifier une forêt selon son degré d’anthropisation. La forêt est appréhendée ici sous sa dimension écosystémique, incluant biotope et biocœnose. Dans un souci de robustesse conceptuelle, nous nous appuyons sur quatre théories scientifiques : la théorie des communautés végétales, la théorie des successions écologiques, la théorie des perturbations et la théorie de la hiérarchie, dont les contributions sont brièvement analysées. Sur cette base, nous reprenons un certain nombre de définitions et en proposons de nouvelles, de manière à qualifier une forêt selon quatre attributs fondamentaux : son origine et sa genèse ; son degré de naturalité ; son historicité et sa morphologie. Chaque définition est explicitée, argumentée et illustrée à l’aide d’exemples concrets. Nous concluons par une réflexion ouverte sur le concept d’état de référence pour une forêt.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Guillaume Decocq) 21 Sep 2023

  • [hal-03005758] Circularities and proximities within resource valuation systems: insights from territory-based initiatives in the forestry sector

    The multiplication of local-based labelling systems in the forestry sector seems to echo a growing pressure from both globalization and sustainability expectations. Recent prospects in territorial economics invite us to consider not only the way specific resources are activated, but the terms of their valuation as well. We do this through the examination of six case studies in three French mountain ranges: the Alps, the Vosges and the Jura. We analyse the way institutionalized groups of actors shape and use value portfolios and highlight their role in implementing new types of circularities. We show that wood product labels are increasingly built upon territorial values, notably through the activation of various forms of proximities (spatial and relational). Although very recent, these initiatives attempt to legitimize themselves as ‘counter-norms', questioning the dominant production-distribution model.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jonathan Lenglet) 14 Nov 2020
