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Tree under the wind: from mechanical acclimation to risk

Jana D.png

UMR Silva
Wood-stock team
Centre INRAE Grand Est -Nancy
F54280 CHAMPENOUX (France)
+33 (0)3 83 39 73 14


Scientific activities

Research Topic

My principal research focus is thigmomorphogenesis in sylvicultural context. The main objective is to understand the tree response to mechanical signal perceived and/or its change (threshold, accommodation etc.) as well as the relationship between the signal perceived and actual tree security margin against the wind loading. Considering the recently highlighted magnitude of thigmomorphogenesis in sylvicultural context, there is a need to integrate thigmomorphogenesis alongside other environmental factors into forest growth modelling approaches. Further, I am interested in the diversity of thigmomorphogenesis expression at different scales (tissue scale = wood properties, tree individual scale = size and shape) in function of the species’ ecological strategy but also with the tree size change and with the tree position in the canopy (social status). Finally, consideration of the relative contribution of different tree compartments, especially of the root-soil complex, to the tree resistance against wind seems essential to me in order to provide an integrated analysis of the tree life trajectory of mechanical security.

  • 2020-2024 : QuaPla : Mechanical resistance against wind and wood quality of Douglas from innovative plantations (Collaboration with Freiburg University, Germany).
  • 2018-2023 : BEETWIND :  Acclimation of Beech Trees to change in wind mechanical stress following thinning.
  • 2015-2017 : Wind-in-wood: Interspecific diversity of wind resistance strategies among temperate tree species: what is the role of radial variations of wood material properties in different tree organs? (Collaboration with municipality of Nancy, urban tree)
  • 2013-2016 : WADE: wood acclimation to disturbed environment.
PhD supervising
  • Joël Hans Keumo Jiazet Dongmo (2018-2022) : Acclimation of tree to change in wind induced strain following thinning in a young beech stand. Co-supervision with Thiéry Constant and Meriem Fournier (UMR SILVA, experimental site VENT-ECLAIR).
  • Jean Léon Zue Ondo (2016-2021) : Description and phenomenological modelling of radial variation patterns in Douglas (Pseudosuga menziesii.), Kevazingo (Guibourtia tessmanii) and Okoumé (Aucoumea klaineana P.). Co-supervision with Julien Ruelle and Meriem Fournier (UMR SILVA).
  • Estelle Noyer (2014-2017) : Responses of beech poles (Fagus sylvatica L.) to a canopy opening: multidisciplinary and multiscale approach. Co-supervision with Catherine Collet (UMR SILVA).
  • Barbora Vojackova (5-7/2017, PhD student from MZLU in Brno, RT) : Two months training period. Project : Branch streamlining in the wind.
  • Benjamin Niez (2015 – 2018) : Tree acclimation to repeated bending and consequences on mechanical and hydraulic properties of green wood. Co-supervision with Eric Badel and Bruno Moulia (UMR PIAF).
Responsabilities in scientific networking
  • Deputy of IUFRO group 8.03.06 – Impact of wind on forests from June 2024
  • 2RI Forward : scienticic comitee member of the international research network between France and Quebec « Forest, Wood, Market and Society »
  • Xylodiv : responsable of the INRAE scientific department network focusing on the relation between wood as a constitutive material of the tree and a raw material for man-made products.

Formation and professional experience

  • 2009-2012: Post-doctoral fellow at Kyoto University, RISH, Laboratory of Active Bio-based Materials, Japan
  • Project: Effect of cellulose nanofibers in supercritical foaming of biodegradable polymers: synthesis and characterization of the foam morphology and properties
  • 2005-2009 : PhD in Mechanics of Materials, Laboratory of Mechanics and Civil Engineering (LMGC) in Montpellier, France
  • Project : Viscoelastic properties of green wood along fibres : diversity and long-term prediction.
  • 2000-2005 : Engineer in Wood Sciences and Technologies, specialized in Wooden Constructions
  • Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic with one year ERASMUS exchange at ENSTIB, France

Recent publications

Dlouhá, J., Martinez, L.., Alméras, T., Ruelle, J., Constant, T., Ningre, F. and Fournier, M. (2024). Beech poles do not produce flexure wood after mechanical stimulation: does shifting from stress avoidance to stress tolerance matter? Trees-structure and function, just accepted.

Dlouhá, J., Défossez, P., Dongmo Keumo Jiazet, JH., Ningre, F., Fournier, M., & Constant, T. (2024). Mechanical vulnerability of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) poles after thinning: Securing stem or roots is risk dependent. Forest Ecology and Management, 552, 121523. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121523

Dongmo Keumo Jiazet JH, Dlouha J, Fournier M, Moulia B, Ningre F, Constant T. (2022). No matter how much space and light are available, radial growth distribution in Fagus sylvatica L. trees is under strong biomechanical control. Annals of Forest Science 79.

Niez B, Dlouha J, Gril J, Ruelle J, Toussaint E, Moulia B, Badel E. (2020). Mechanical properties of “flexure wood”: compressive stresses in living trees improve the mechanical resilience of wood and its resistance to damage. Annals of Forest Science 77

Niez B, Dlouha J, Moulia B, Badel E. (2019). Water-stressed or not, the mechanical acclimation is a priority requirement for trees. Trees-structure and function. 33, 279–291.

Noyer E, Fournier M, Constant T, Collet C, Dlouha J. (2019). Biomechanical control of beech pole verticality (Fagus sylvatica) before and after thinning: theoretical modelling and ground-truth data using terrestrial LiDAR. American Journal of Botany 106, 187–198.

Noyer E, Ningre F, Dlouhá J, Fournier M, Collet C. (2018). Time shifts in height and diameter growth allocation in understory European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) following canopy release. Trees-Structure and function. 33, 333-344.

Dlouha J, Almeras T, Beauchene J, Clair B, Fournier M. (2018). Biophysical dependences among functional wood traits. Functional Ecology 32, 2652–2665.

Noyer E, Lachenbruch B, Dlouha J, Collet C, Ruelle J, Ningre F, Fournier M. (2017). Xylem traits in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) display a large plasticity in response to canopy release. Annals of Forest Science 74.

Longuetaud F, Mothe F, Santenoise P, Diop N, Dlouha J, Fournier M, Deleuze C. (2017). Patterns of within-stem variations in wood specific gravity and water content for five temperate tree species. Annals of Forest Science 74, 64.

Fournier M, Dlouha J, Jaouen G, Almeras T. (2013). Integrative biomechanics for tree ecology: beyond wood density and strength. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 4793–4815.

Modification date: 21 August 2024 | Publication date: 15 May 2023 | By: Jana Dlouha