Job position
Post-doctoral postion Seedfor project

Post-doctoral postion Seedfor project

The aim of SEEDFOR is to understand how climate change and management can shape the redistribution of forests in France.

  • Location

The position is based in Nancy, UMR Silva-AgroParisTech

  • Mission

The researcher will lead the analysis of (micro)climate effects on seed emergence and seedling survival through a large-scale seed sowing experiment of five species and two seed provenances of five key tree species (Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens, Q. petraea, Q. robur, Fagus sylvatica). That experiment takes place over an altitudinal gradient in the Montagne Noire in France, a cross-road between the Mediterranean, the Temperate and the Continental forest biome. An initial planting phase has been performed ensuring data availability form the start of the position. We expect the scholar to be able to continue the monitoring of the experiments and potentially develop further experiments in the field, and/or develop greenhouse experiments.

  • Skills

We expect a candidate willing to link seed ecology, forest ecology and biogeography through experimental and modeling work, publish their results in international journals, and transfer the results to local management team

  • Application

Please upload HERE the three documents required (see below) in ONE ZIPPED FILE with the following file naming convention:
(1) a motivation letter (1.5-pages maximum) specifying how your past experience is linked to the position we are offering. PDF format
(2) Your CV. PDF format
(3) The contact details (full name, position, institution, email and address) of two individuals who could provide a reference letter for you (in English, Spanish, French or Catalan). PDF format
Materials should be submitted by October 1st 2023.

  • Contact

pep.serradiaz [at]